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IDE (Integrated Development Environment)Compiler Options
(Options | Compiler)
Primary file
Specify the primary file to be used for the target executable file.
Active Window
Check this box to set a currently active window as primary file.
Word alignment data
Switches on/off word-alignment of variables and typed constants.
Corresponds to $A switch.
Strict var-strings
Controls type-checking on strings passed as variable parameters. Corresponds
to $V switch.
Range checking
Enables and disables the generation of range-checking code. Corresponds to
$R switch.
Objects and structures align
Switches on/off word-alignment of objects and structures. Corresponds to
$OA switch.
Debug information (MS-DOS target only)
Switches on/off the generation of debug information. Corresponds to
$D switch.
I/O checking
Enables or disables the automatic code generation that checks the result
of a call to an I/O procedure. Corresponds to
$I switch.
Local debug symbols (MS-DOS target only)
Enables or disables the generation of local symbol information. Corresponds to
$L switch.
Open string params
Controls the meaning of variable parameters declared using string keyword.
Corresponds to $P switch.
Overflow checking (Q)
Controls the generation of overflow checking code. Corresponds to
$Q switch.
Typed pointers
Controls the types of pointer values generated by the @ operator. Corresponds to
$T switch.
Show warnings
Switches on/off warnings generation. Corresponds to
$W switch.
Extended syntax
Enables or disables Turbo Pascal's extended syntax. Corresponds to
$X switch.
Extended procedure types
Enables or disables extended procedure types (see
Procedural Value for details)
Extender logo (MS-DOS target only)
Switches on/off extender logo.
Complete Boolean eval
Switches on/off the two different models of code generation for the AND
and OR Boolean operators. Corresponds to
$B switch.
Frame optimization
Switches on/off stack frame optimization. Corresponds to
$OPTFRM switch.
Registers optimization
Switches on/off register optimization. Corresponds to
$OPTREG switch.
C/C++ style comments
Switches on/off C/C++ style comments recognition. Corresponds to
$CC switch.
Ada-style comments
Aligns elements in structures to 32-bit boundaries. Corresponds to
$AC switch.
Intel MMX Assembler instructions
Enables/disables Intel MMX instructions support in built-in assembler.
Corresponds to $MMX switch.
AMD 3DNow! Assembler instructions
Enables/disables AMD 3DNow! Instructions support in built-in assembler.
Corresponds to $AMD switch.
Typed Inc/Dec operations
Enables/disables typed Inc/Dec operations on pointers. Corresponds to
$TPO switch.
Max EXE size
Specifies the maximum size of the executable module.
Stack size
Specifies the size of the application stack.
Min enum size
Specifies the minimum storage size of enumerated types.
Max OBJ size
Specifies the size of the buffer for object modules (FPD/FPO/FPW-files).
This parameter must be about one and a half times the size of the largest
object module from the project.
Max resource size
Specifies the size of the linking buffer for Windows resources (RES-files).
Target (Multi-target Edition Only)
A drop-down box which allows one to select a target Operating System.
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