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IDE (Integrated Development Environment)Code Templates
(Options | Environment | Code Templates)
A set of templates is available to insert common programming statements
into your code. Templates can be edited and added. While working in the
Code Editor, press Ctrl+J to display the code templates defined.
To edit the name and description:
Select the name you want to edit. Click the Edit button. Edit the
name and description fields as needed and click OK.
To edit a template:
When a name is selected, the code to be inserted in the file when the template
is selected is displayed in the code window. Move the cursor to the code
window and edit the text as you desire.
To define the insertion point:
Place a vertical bar “|” in the code statement to define the point
to begin insertion when the template is inserted in a code file. The cursor
will be placed in the point defined by the vertical bar.
To add a template:
Click Add button. After entering a Name and Description
in the dialog box displayed, click OK.
To delete a template:
Select the name of the template you want to delete. Click Delete or
press Del.
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