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Standard Units
WinDos Unti
WinDos Unit Constants and Variables

TRegisters type

Targets: MS-DOS only

WinDos Unit

The Intr and MsDos procedures use variables of type Registers to specify the input register contents and examine the output register contents of a software interrupt.

  TRegisters = record
    case Integer of 
    1: (edi, esi, ebp, _res, ebx, edx, ecx, eax: Longint;
        flags, es, ds, fs, gs, ip, cs, sp, ss: Word);
    2: (_dmy2: array [0..15] of byte; bl, bh, b1, b2, dl,
        dh, d1, d2, cl, ch, c1, c2, al, ah: Byte);
    3: (di, i1, si, i2, bp, i3, i4, i5, bx, b3, dx, d3, cx,
        c3, ax: Word);

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