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Standard Units
System Unit
System Unit Procedures and Functions

GetLocaleStr function

Targets: Win32 only

System Unit

GetLocaleStr function returns the specified locale string.

 function GetLocaleStr(Locale, LocaleType: Longint;
                        DefaultString: string): string;
Locale specifies the locale to retrieve information for. This parameter can be a locale identifier created by the MAKELCID macro, or one of the following predefined values: LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT - Default system locale.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT - Default user locale.
LocaleType specifies one of the LCTYPE constants to indicate the type of information to be retrieved. All LCTYPE values are mutually exclusive, with the exception of LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE. An application may use the binary-OR operator to combine LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE with any other LCTYPE value. If passed such an LocaleType value, the function bypasses user overrides, and returns the system default value for the requested LCID.

If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested locale string. Otherwise, the return value is DefaultString.

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