**** Scientific Subroutine Library ****
**** for Turbo Pascal ****
September 27, 1985
The following programs were written by Allen Miller
and appear in the book entitled "Pascal Programs For Scientists
And Engineers" which is published by Sybex, 1981.
They were originally typed and submitted to MTPUG
in Oct. 1982 Juergen Loewner,
D-4400 Muenster, Hoher Heckenweg 3, West Germany.
They have had minor corrections and adaptations for
Turbo Pascal by Jeff Weiss, 1572 Peacock Ave., Sunnyvale,
CA 94087.
Full programs have .PAS extension; library procedures and
functions have .LIB extension and are generally used with
{$I ...} INCLUDE statements.
MEANS.PAS: Program to test MEANSTD.LIB. (p.26)
MEANSTD.LIB: This routine computes the mean and the standard
deviation of a set of numbers. (p.26)
RANDOM.LIB: A random generator (0..1). Note the internal routine
with Turbo Pascal is superior and used subsequently.
(p. 29)
RANTST.PAS: Program to test RANDOM.LIB,RANDG.LIB. (p. 32)
RANDG.LIB: A random generator with gaussian distribution. (p.35)
MATR1.PAS: A matrix multiplication program. (p. 50)
DETERM.PAS: A program to calculate the determinant of a 3x3
matrix. (p. 55)
SIMQ1.PAS: A program to solve three simultaneous equations
by Cramer's Rule. (p. 67)
GAUSS.PAS: A program to perform simultaneous solution by
Gaussian elimination. (p. 75)
SOLVGJ.PAS: same as above but Gauss-Jordan algorithm. (p. 84)
GAUSSJ.LIB: Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion and solution. (p. 87)
SOLVGV.PAS: A program to perform simultan. sol. by Gauss-
Jordan elimination