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   Менюшки    >>    menu-u
 Text Mode Menu Unit  Mark Klaamas 19.12.1991

Модуль для создания текстового меню с тенью в стиле Turbo Vision. Управление с помощью стрелок.
This unit provides a quick way to make a bounce bar menu.


MENU UNIT Documentation: Written by Mark Klaamas Copyright 1991. Portions came from Langauges (PC MAGAZINE - 24 Sep 1991) This UNIT is being placed in the Public Domain and can be used for any purpose. This unit provides a quick way to make a bounce bar menu. You call it as follows: Init object, (TopLeftCol, TopLeftRow, Length : Integer; Title : String; BackgroundColour, HilightColour, Frame style : BYTE; AllowLEFT/RIGHTtoEXIT) : Boolean; Frame Styles 0-4 AllowLEFT/RIGHTtoEXIT : if left arrow key exits, return is -1. if right arrow key exits, return is -2. If ESC is pressed return is 0. See MENUDEMO.PAS for a good example on how to use it.