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 Plasma Source Code for 320x200x256 (Mode $13)   Genie Bret Mulvey 21.07.1990

Простая плазма с плавно переливающейся палитрой.
Simple Plasma burning routine.


Program and documentation copyright 1988 by Bret Mulvey Instructions: Type PLASMA at the DOS prompt. Program requires VGA. The first time the program is run it takes a few minutes to create an image file. Second and subsequent times it recalls the image file from disk and goes straight to the action. If you get tired of using the same image you can type PLASMA NEW. GEnie B.MULVEY CompuServe 71330,3567 {> Cut here. FileName= PLASMA.PAS } { Turbo Pascal 4.0 source code } {$I-} program plasma; uses Crt,Dos; const F = 2.0; { the "roughness" of the image } type ColorValue = record Rvalue,Gvalue,Bvalue: byte; end; PaletteType = array [0..255] of ColorValue; var ch: char; i: integer; p: PaletteType; image: file; ok: boolean; procedure SetVGApalette(var tp: PaletteType); var regs: Registers; begin { procedure SetVGApalette } with regs do begin AX:=$1012; BX:=0; { first register to set } CX:=256; { number of registers to set } ES:=Seg(tp); DX:=Ofs(tp); end; Intr($10,regs); end; { procedure SetVGApalette } procedure PutPixel(x,y: integer; c: byte); begin { procedure PutPixel } mem[$A000:word(320*y+x)]:=c; end; { procedure PutPixel } function GetPixel(x,y: integer): byte; begin { function GetPixel } GetPixel:=mem[$A000:word(320*y+x)]; end; { function GetPixel } procedure adjust(xa,ya,x,y,xb,yb: integer); var d: integer; v: real; begin { procedure adjust } if GetPixel(x,y)<>0 then exit; d:=Abs(xa-xb)+Abs(ya-yb); v:=(GetPixel(xa,ya)+GetPixel(xb,yb))/2+(random-0.5)*d*F; if v<1 then v:=1; if v>=193 then v:=192; PutPixel(x,y,Trunc(v)); end; { procedure adjust } procedure subDivide(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer); var x,y: integer; v: real; begin { procedure subDivide } if KeyPressed then exit; if (x2-x1<2) and (y2-y1<2) then exit; x:=(x1+x2) div 2; y:=(y1+y2) div 2; adjust(x1,y1,x,y1,x2,y1); adjust(x2,y1,x2,y,x2,y2); adjust(x1,y2,x,y2,x2,y2); adjust(x1,y1,x1,y,x1,y2); if GetPixel(x,y)=0 then begin v:=(GetPixel(x1,y1)+ GetPixel(x2,y1)+ GetPixel(x2,y2)+ GetPixel(x1,y2))/4; PutPixel(x,y,Trunc(v)); end; subDivide(x1,y1,x,y); subDivide(x,y1,x2,y); subDivide(x,y,x2,y2); subDivide(x1,y,x,y2); end; { procedure subDivide } procedure rotatePalette(var p: PaletteType; n1,n2,d: integer); var q: PaletteType; begin { procedure rotatePalette } q:=p; for i:=n1 to n2 do p[i]:=q[n1+(i+d) mod (n2-n1+1)]; SetVGApalette(p); end; { procedure rotatePalette } begin Inline($B8/$13/0/$CD/$10); { select video mode 13h (320x200 with 256 colors) } with p[0] do { set background palette entry to grey } begin Rvalue:=32; Gvalue:=32; Bvalue:=32; end; for i:=0 to 63 do { create the color wheel } begin with p[i+1] do begin Rvalue:=i; Gvalue:=63-i; Bvalue:=0; end; with p[i+65] do begin Rvalue:=63-i; Gvalue:=0; Bvalue:=i; end; with p[i+129] do begin Rvalue:=0; Gvalue:=i; Bvalue:=63-i; end; end; SetVGApalette(p); Assign(image,'PLASMA.IMG'); Reset(image,1); ok:=(ioResult=0); if not ok or (ParamCount<>0) then { create a new image } begin Randomize; PutPixel(0,0,1+Random(192)); PutPixel(319,0,1+Random(192)); PutPixel(319,199,1+Random(192)); PutPixel(0,199,1+Random(192)); subDivide(0,0,319,199); Rewrite(image,1); BlockWrite(image,mem[$A000:0],$FA00); end else { use the previous image } BlockRead(image,mem[$A000:0],$FA00); Close(image); repeat rotatePalette(p,1,192,+1); until KeyPressed; ch:=ReadKey; if ch=#0 then ch:=ReadKey; TextMode(LastMode); end.