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   Demo Making    >>    gfire
 GFire - Green Fire Demo [320x200x256]   Nick Slaughter 29.11.95

Демонстрация эффекта пламени в зеленых тонах. Режим 13h.
Green fire routine by Nick Slaughter


  {> Cut here. FileName= GFIRE.PAS } (* Green Fire *) (* By Nick Slaughter '96 *) (* Feel free to use this source! *) (* I had fun making it! ;) *) (* //Nick Slaughter *) (* Sorry about my bad ENGLISH! ;) heheh *) Program gfire; Uses Crt; Var Buffer : Array[0..16000] of Byte; procedure mcga; { Mcga (mode 13) } begin Asm Mov ax,13h Int 10h End; end; Procedure Firecalc; { Calculating of the Fire!} Var x, y, ColorVal : Integer; Begin For y := 98 downto 0 do For x := 149 downto 10 do Begin ColorVal := (Buffer[(Y+1)*160+x]+Buffer[(Y+1)*160+(x+1)]+ Buffer[(Y+1)*160+(x-1)]+Buffer[Y*160+x]) Shr 2; If ColorVal > 0 Then ColorVal := ColorVal - 1; Buffer[Y*160+x] := ColorVal; End; End; Procedure Kordinat; {Sets the cordinates at the bottom of the screen!} Var q : Integer; Begin For q := 0 to 159 do Buffer[99*160+q] := Random(13) * 255; End; Procedure Kopiera; { Copy the fire using 2*2 squars } Var x,y : Integer; Begin For y := 193 downto 0 do For x := 319 downto 0 do Mem[$A000:y*320+x] := Buffer[(y Shr 1)*160+(x Shr 1)]; End; Procedure Greencolor; { Makes the green COLOR! } Var col : Integer; Begin For col := 255 Downto 0 do Begin Port[$3c8] := col; Port[$3c9] := col Div 12; Port[$3c9] := col Div 7; Port[$3c9] := 0; End; End; begin mcga; { Get the mode13 procedure } FillChar(Buffer, Sizeof(Buffer), 0); Greencolor; { Get the Greencolor procedure } Repeat { Repeats until a key is pressed } Kordinat; Firecalc; Kopiera; Until KeyPressed; Asm Mov ax,0003h { Back in text mode } Int 10h End; End. Contact me: E-MAIL: jimmy.painless@falkenberg.mail.telia.com cya //Nick Slaughter