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 UARTType 1.0 - UART Type Detector   Yousuf Khan 21.03.1991

Два варианта программы для определения типа установленного UART. (на паскале и на ассемблере). Распознает 4 распространенных вида чипов.
This is a routine to detect the type of UART. Detects 8250, 16450, 16550 and 16550A chips. Included Asm and Pas sources


.FROM: Yousuf Khan Area # 17 (Assembly Language ) .TO: Y'ALL 21 Mar 91 .SUBJECT: *.pas to *.asm Well it seems the impossible has happened to me: I now understand Assembler more than I understand Pascal. So I found this routine, written in TurboPascal, that detects what type of UART you have running. I haven't used TP in 3 years+, so I need a translation of this pascal code to assembler, if you will: xword:=MemW[BIOSdseg : 2 * i - 2]; Writeln('$', hex(xword, 4)); xbyte2:=Port[xword + 2]; Port[xword + 2]:=$C1; for temp:=1 to 2 do; xbyte3:=Port[xword + 2]; Port[xword + 2]:=xbyte2; case ((xbyte3 and $C0) shr 6) of 0: begin xbyte2:=Port[xword + 7]; Port[xword + 7]:=$FA; for temp:=1 to 2 do; if Port[xword + 7] = $FA then begin Port[xword + 7]:=$AF; for temp:=1 to 2 do; if Port[xword + 7] = $AF then begin Port[xword + 7]:=xbyte2; Write('16450') end else Write('8250') end else Write('8250') end; 1: Write('???'); 2: Write('16550'); 3: Write('16550A') This is of course a routine to detect the type of UART. There are certain things I'm having trouble understanding. BIOSdseg, is this a variable or a built-in TPascal function? $C0 & $C1, what are these? Yousuf Khan * Origin: To never lose characters again (1:163/215.6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .FROM: Scott Canion Area # 17 (Assembly Language ) .TO: Yousuf Khan 21 Mar 91 .SUBJECT: Re: *.pas to *.asm On 19-Mar-91, sources inform us that Yousuf Khan @ 1:163/215.6 said: YK> Well it seems the impossible has happened to me: I now understand YK> Assembler more than I understand Pascal. Thanks for the pascal code, Yousuf, it is very helpful. Here is the assembly version. I tried to keep the variables close to the pascal source. Are you sure you have programmed in Pascal before? :-) ================== beginning of program ============================= title "UART Detector" page 60, 132 ; comments -- the WRITE function is left up to your own implementation ; constants BIOSdseg equ 40h ; data segment for BIOS i equ 1 ; COM PORT (1-4) .model tiny ; tiny model (.COM) .code org 100h ; .COM files start at 100h entry: jmp start ; jump to start of progarm ; variables xword dw ? xbyte2 db ? xbyte3 db ? jmp_table dw uart_8250_or_16450, uart_unknown, uart_16550, uart_16550a ; ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------------ start proc mov ax, BIOSdseg mov es, ax ; move bios data segment into ES mov dx, es:[2*i-2] ; get offset for serial port mov xword, dx ; xword := serial port base address add dx, 2 ; dx := dx + 2 in al, dx ; al := port [dx] mov xbyte2, al ; xbyte2 := al mov al, 0c1h ; al := $C1 out dx, al ; port [dx] := al in al, dx ; al := port [dx] and al, 0c0h ; al := (al AND $C0) mov cl, 5 ; cl := 5 shr al, cl ; al := (al shr 5) (5 for word jmp) mov ah, 0 ; ah := 0 mov bp, ax ; bp := ax (al) mov al, xbyte2 ; al := xbyte2 out dx, al ; port [dx] := al jmp cs:[jmp_table+bp] uart_8250_or_16450: mov dx, xword ; dx := xword add dx, 7 ; dx := dx + 7 in al, dx ; al := port [dx] mov xbyte2, al ; xbyte2 := al mov al, 0fah ; al := $FA out dx, al ; port [dx] := al in al, dx ; al := port [dx] cmp al, 0fah ; if (al <> $FA) jne uart_16450 ; then uart is 16450 mov al, 0afh ; al := $AF out dx, al ; port [dx] := al in al, dx ; al := port [dx] cmp al, 0afh ; if (al <> $AF) jne uart_8250 ; then uart is 8250 mov al, xbyte2 ; else al := xbyte2 out dx, al ; port [dx] := al jmp uart_16450 ; uart is 16450 uart_8250: write "8250" ; display "8250" jmp exit uart_16450: write "16450" ; display "16450" jmp exit uart_unknown: write "???" ; display "unknown" jmp exit uart_16550: write "16550" ; display "16550" jmp exit uart_16550a: write "16550A" ; display "16550A" jmp exit exit: mov ax, 4c00h int 21h ; exit to DOS start endp ; end of proc END entry ; end of program ====================== end of program =============================== --- QM v1.00 * Origin: Scott's Excellent BBS HST/V.32bis (1:382/17.0)