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TMT Pascal Language Description
Pascal Language Structure
File Types

Sample Program for TFileRec Structure

Targets: MS-DOS, Win32 Console only

This sample explains the TFileRec structure internals.

For more info look the File Types section.
{ Simple program that demonstrates the TFileRec structure }
{ Written by Valery Votintsev <>          }
program test;
uses dos,strings;

    { File State Bit Values}
    file_readable  = 1;
    file_writeable = 2;
    file_opened    = 4;
    file_assigned  = 8;
    file_eof       = 16;
    file_text      = 32;
    file_file      = 64;
    file_fileof    = 128;
    file_tty       = 256;
    file_special   = 512;
    file_settextbuf= 1024;

    { File State Bit Names}
    StatusString: Array[1..11] of string = (

 handle: integer;         { File Handle        }
 F: file;                 { File Variable      }
 fname:string;            { File Name          }
 Ft: tFileRec absolute F; { TFileRec Structure }
procedure WriteFileStatus; var i, { Counter } bit: integer; { State Bit Value } fstate:word; { File State Value } begin fstate := word(Ft.state); { Get the File State } writeln(' ',; { Write the Filename } writeln(' Ft.handle: ',Ft.handle); { Write the Handler # } writeln(' Ft.rec_len: ',Ft.rec_len); { Write the Record Length } writeln(' Ft.state: ',hex(Fstate),':');{ Write the File State } bit := 1; for i:=1 to 11 do begin if (fstate and bit) = bit then { Write the Flag if setted } writeln(' bit ',i:2,' (',bit,') - ',StatusString[i]); bit := bit shl 1; { Next Bit Value } end; writeln; end; begin assign(F,'test.tst'); writeln('Step 1. File "test.tst" assigned.'); writeFileStatus; { Write the File Status }
write('Press <Enter> for continue: '); readln; { Wait for Enter }
rewrite(F); writeln('Step 2. File "test.tst" opened.'); writeFileStatus; { Write the File Status }
write('Press <Enter> for continue: '); readln; { Wait for Enter }
close(F); writeln('Step 3. File "test.tst" closed.'); writeFileStatus; { Write the File Status }
write('Press <Enter> for quit: '); readln; { Wait for Enter }

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