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TMT Pascal Language Description
Pascal Language Structure

InLine Statement

The inline clause is used to define a short machine language routine. inline procedures are treated as macros rather than procedure calls and are therefore extremely efficient. It is recommended that you have thorough knowledge of 32 bit assembler before writing machine code macros.
function IsLower(Ch:Char):Boolean;
  inline ($58/          // pop     eax
          $3C/$61/       // cmp     al,'a'
          $0F/$90/$C4/   // setge   ah
          $3C/$7A/       // cmp al,'z'
          $0F/$9E/$C0/   // setle  al
          $22/$E0)       // and     al,ah
Notice the use of new 80386 and 80486, Pentium, AMD 3DNow! and Intel MMX instructions. For more information about CPU extensions refer to your Intel and/or AMD reference manuals.

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