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- 2.3.9 -
TMT Pascal Language Description
Built-in Assembler

Assembler Opcode Mnemonics

This section lists valid opcode mnemonics. Please consult an 80386 reference book for additional details. The list uses the following abbreviations:
  Opcode:     Possible arguments
     AAA:      none
     AAD:      none
     AAM:      none
     AAS:      none
     ADC:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
     ADD:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
     AND:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
    ARPL:      rm,reg
   BOUND:      reg,mem
     BSF:      reg,rm
     BSR:      reg,rm
     BTC:      rm,reg | rm,imm
     BTR:      rm,reg | rm,imm
     BTS:      rm,reg |rm,imm
      BT:      rm,reg | rm,imm
    CALL:      label | rm
     CBW:      none
     CDQ:      none
     CLC:      none
     CLD:      none
     CLI:      none
    CLTS:      none
     CMC:      none
     CMP:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
   CMPSB:      none
   CMPSD:      none
   CMPSW:      none
   CPUID:      none
     CWD:      none
    CWDE:      none
     DAA:      none
     DAS:      none
     DEC:      rm
     DIV:      rm
   ENTER:      imm,imm
   F2XM1:      none
    FABS:      none
    FADD:      none | st,st(i) | st(i),st | mem
   FADDP:      st(i),st
    FBLD:      mem
   FBSTP:      mem
    FCHS:      none
   FCLEX:      none
    FCOM:      none | st(i) | mem
   FCOMP:      none | st(i) | mem
  FCOMPP:      none
 FDECSTP:      none
   FDISI:      none
    FDIV:      none | st,st(i) | st(i),st | mem
   FDIVP:      st(i),st
   FDIVR:      st(i),st
  FDIVRP:      st(i),st
    FENI:      none
   FFREE:      st(i)
   FIADD:      mem
  FICOMP:      mem
   FICOM:      mem
  FIDIVR:      mem
   FIDIV:      mem
    FILD:      mem
   FIMUL:      mem
   FIMUL:      mem
 FINCSTP:      mem
   FINIT:      none
    FIST:      mem
   FISTP:      mem
   FISUB:      mem
  FISUBR:      mem
     FLD:      st(i) | mem
    FLD1:      none
   FLDCW:      mem
  FLDENV:      none
  FLDL2E:      none
  FLDL2T:      none
  FLDLG2:      none
  FLDLN2:      none
   FLDPI:      none
    FLDZ:      none
    FMUL:      none | st,st(i) | st(i),st | mem
   FMULP:      none | st(i),st
  FNCLEX:      none
  FNDISI:      none
   FNENI:      none
  FNINIT:      none
    FNOP:      none
  FNSAVE:      none
  FNSTCW:      none
 FNSTENV:      none
  FNSTSW:      none
  FPATAN:      none
   FPREM:      none
  FPREM1:      none
   FPTAN:      none
 FRNDINT:      none
  FRSTOR:      mem
   FSAVE:      mem
  FSCALE:      none
  FSETPM:      none
   FSQRT:      none
     FST:      st(i) | mem
    FSTP:      st(i) | mem
   FSTCW:      mem
  FSTENV:      mem
   FSTSW:      mem | AX
    FSUB:      none | st,st(i) | st(i),st | mem
   FSUBP:      none | st(i)st
   FSUBR:      none | st,st(i) | st(i),st | mem
  FSUBRP:      none | st(i),st
    FTST:      none
   FWAIT:      none
    FXAM:      none
    FXCH:      none
 FXTRACT:      none
 FYL2XP1:      none
   FYL2X:      none
     HLT:      none
    IDIV:      rm
    IMUL:      rm | reg,imm | reg,rm,imm
      IN:      acc,imm | acc,DX
     INC:      rm
    INSB:      none
    INSD:      none
    INSW:      none
     INT:      imm
    INTO:      none
   IRETD:      none
    IRET:      none
      JA:      label
     JAE:      label
      JB:      label
     JBE:      label
      JC:      label
    JCXZ:      label
      JE:      label
   JECXZ:      label
      JG:      label
     JGE:      label
      JL:      label
     JLE:      label
     JMP:      label | rm
     JNA:      label
    JNAE:      label
     JNB:      label
    JNBE:      label
     JNC:      label
     JNE:      label
     JNG:      label
    JNGE:      label
     JNL:      label
    JNLE:      label
     JNO:      label
     JNP:      label
     JNS:      label
     JNZ:      label
      JO:      label
      JP:      label
     JPE:      label
     JPO:      label
      JS:      label
      JZ:      label
    LAHF:      none
     LAR:      reg,rm
     LDS:      reg,mem
   LEAVE:      none
     LEA:      reg,mem
     LES:      reg,mem
     LFS:      reg,mem
    LGDT:      mem
     LGS:      reg,mem
    LIDT:      mem
    LLDT:      rm
    LMSW:      rm
   LODSB:      none
   LODSD:      none
   LODSW:      rm
    LOOP:      label
  LOOP16:      label
  LOOP32:      label
   LOOPE:      label
  LOOPNE:      label
  LOOPNZ:      label
   LOOPZ:      label
     LSL:      reg,rm
     LSS:      reg,mem
     LTR:      reg,mem
     MOV:      reg,rm|rm,reg|rm,imm|rm,seg|seg,rm|reg,cdt|cdt,reg
   MOVSB:      none
   MOVSD:      none
   MOVSW:      none
   MOVSX:      reg,rm
   MOVZX:      reg,rm
     MUL:      rm
     NEG:      rm
     NOP:      none
     NOT:      rm
      OR:      none
     OUT:      imm,acc | DX,acc
   OUTSB:      none
   OUTSD:      none
   OUTSW:      none
     POP:      rm
    POPA:      none
   POPAD:      none
    POPF:      none
   POPFD:      none
    PUSH:      rm
   PUSHA:      none
  PUSHAD:      none
   PUSHF:      none
  PUSHFD:      none
     RCL:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
     RCR:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
     RET:      none,imm
    RETF:      none,imm
    RETN:      none,imm
     ROL:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
     ROR:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
    SAHF:      none
     SAL:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
     SAR:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
     SBB:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
   SCASB:      none
   SCASD:      none
   SCASW:      none
   SEGCS:      none
   SEGDS:      none
   SEGES:      none
   SEGSS:      none
   SEGFS:      none
   SEGGS:      none
    SETA:      brm
   SETAE:      brm
    SETB:      brm
   SETBE:      brm
    SETC:      brm
    SETE:      brm
   SETGE:      brm
    SETG:      brm
    SETL:      brm
   SETLE:      brm
   SETNA:      brm
  SETNAE:      brm
  SETNBE:      brm
   SETNB:      brm
   SETNC:      brm
   SETNE:      brm
  SETNGE:      brm
   SETNG:      brm
  SETNLE:      brm
   SETNL:      brm
   SETNO:      brm
   SETNP:      brm
   SETNS:      brm
   SETNZ:      brm
    SETO:      brm
   SETPE:      brm
   SETPO:      brm
    SETP:      brm
    SETS:      brm
    SETZ:      brm
    SGDT:      mem
    SHLD:      rm,reg,imm
     SHL:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
    SHRD:      rm,reg,imm
     SHR:      rm,1 | rm,CL | rm,imm
    SIDT:      mem
    SLDT:      rm
    SMSW:      rm
     STC:      none
     STD:      none
     STI:      none
   STOSB:      none
   STOSD:      none
   STOSW:      none
     STR:      rm
     SUB:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
    TEST:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm
    VERR:      rm
    VERW:      rm
    WAIT:      none
    XCHG:      reg,rm | rm,reg
    XLAT:      none
     XOR:      rm,reg | reg,rm | rm,imm

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- 2.3.9 -