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 Melody Master v2.5 - Music Shell and Converter   Alexei Efros 03.12.94

Программа для редактирования одноголосых мелодий непосредственно на нотном стане. Executables only! Позволяет создавать и редактировать мелодии и сохранять их в нескольких форматах, в том числе в виде исходника на Паскале для дальнейшего проигрывания на PC Speaker. В комплект входит около 140 уже готовых мелодий.
Create, edit, and play music on your PC speaker. Graphical interface with staff. Over 140 melodies included! Can export music into Pascal, C, BASIC, ANSI, Batch files, etc. Shareware.


M E L O D Y M A S T E R Version 2.5 c r e a t e d b y Alexei A. Efros INTRODUCTION Melody Master is a music system that is designed for writing, editing, and playing one-part melodies. The program uses a graphics interface that lets you view and edit the music in sheet form. Melody Master can be used in a variety of ways. You can listen to the more than one hundred tunes that are included with the program. You can experiment with changing the melodies that are included or write your own tunes. Melody Master will assist you in teaching yourself (or your children) the principles of music notation and structure in an enjoyable way. For programmers or people who enjoy configuring their PCs, Melody Master is an excellent tool for making your programs or batch files "sing". In whatever way you use it, Melody Master is easy to use, functional, educational, and a lot of fun! Melody Master employs sharps, flats, dotted notes, and repeats, provides four musical styles, seven note lengths, seven rests, approximately seven octaves, and can