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 Advanced Multimedia Player for BP7 / Windows  Charles Calvert 20.05.93

Проигрыватель MIDI, WAV и Audio CD для Sound Blaster. Компилируется BP7 (Target=Windows) или TPW1.5. В диалоговом окне можно выбрать тип проигрывателя, имя файла или номер трека на CD, стартовать или остановить проигрывание.
Pascal Source for the Player program, which uses multimedia Windows calls to play CDs, MIDI files and WAV files. You must have either a CD player or a Soundcard in order to use this program.


Advanced Windows Capabilities with Multimedia Author: Charles Calvert Language: Borland Pascal for Windows Location: 1993 Borland International Conference This paper focuses on the world of multimedia sound as represented by wave files, midi files, and CD players. The Tools and Definitions Papers of this type usually dive right into the code itself, with little delay. But multimedia tools are so new, and the technology involved so daunting, that it would perhaps be helpful to spend a few moments clarifying certain issues. The first to come to grips with is MPC, or Multimedia PC. This is a hardware standard meant to define the minimum configuration of any personal computer that can play multimedia programs. The key elements in the MPC standard are a 386 or better computer with a VGA video system, a mouse, a sound board, and a CD-ROM. The programs in this paper were tested on two 486s, one equipped with Creative Labs' Sound Blaster Pro card and the other with a NEC CD-ROM drive. The first is a requirement for playing MIDI files, and the second for playing CDs. If you don't have either of these tools then you will not be able to run any of the code accompanying this paper. It is important to understand that the widely distributed Speaker.drv file will not be enough to allow you to run the included code. The reason for this is that the calls used in this paper are too low level for the