A word about CDNum: CDNum is the number of the drive where A=0,B=1,C=2,D=3.
On my system the CD is drive D so CDNum would be 3. HOWEVER: In the
GetDriverName procedure, CDROMNumber is NOT the same. It is the number of
the CDROM drive you want to play. That is, if you have more than 1 CDROM.
So if you have 2 CDROM drives, D&E, then CDROMNumber = 1 would activate
drive D and CDROMNumber=2 would activate E. Simple. Keep it on 1 and
things _should_ go OK.
Pat O'Malley AKA Silicon Slim
* Origin: <kan du lДsa det hДr behФver du inga glasФgon> (2:205/348.13)