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   Экранные Средства    >>    vtools
 Vision Tools 1.0с - Text Mode User Inteface Unit  Vladimir Vasilev Ivanov 24.03.1995

Vision Tools 1.0с for TP/BP 6.0+. Great Tools for creating and designing your program interface. Normal and colored screen write (horizontal and vertical), blinking control, draw framed box, set cursor shape, show and hide a cursor, scroll and colorize a square screen area.


VISION TOOLS ------------ Vision Tools is free for personal use & copy. If You Find that this utilities is excellent for you please send US 5$ to: PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE SYSTEMS (PSS) =================================== BULGARIA, BLAGOEVGRAD 2700 Vladimir Vasilev Ivanov 14ti POLK Str. No.6 Inp."V" Fl.3 Phone +359-73-280-67 OR Victor Nikolov Levunliev Hajdukovi Str No.72a Fl.2 Phone: +359-73-242-63 Vision Tools Are SHAREWARE product and not registered for bussines, goverment and commercial use. If You want to use it to commercial software, send US 10$ to uppointed adress. EXPECT: ======  VISION TOOLS version 2.0 complete. (INCLUDING: Pull menus, Normal menus, I/O Forms, VGA/EGA Font designer, strings operating units, miscellaneous procedures & functions, text viewers, text editors, mouse supporting & etc. ) With full demo`s, guides & documentations. ------------------------------------------  FILES TOOLS version 1.0. Great files operation untit (read/write`s,seek`s,EOF`s & etc) with greet critical error handler; ------------------------------------------------------------------------  SECURITY TOOLS version 1.0. SUPER methods for protect Your programs of copy, With great anti--hackers protection. With other methods, units & tricks for protection Your programs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Wait for theese products! They all are shareware....