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 Video State Restore Unit for Text Mode   Michael Gallias 10.01.1994

Video State Restorer Rev. 1.00. Target: Real, Protected. Remark: Uses 1kb of Code and 1 Text Page of Heap, Usually 4kb. Must be the First Unit in the Uses Clause to Work Correctly.


This unit will restore the screen to its original state when your program terminates. All you have to do is add Uses VidState; to your code - it does the rest. It will not restore the screen information if you change the constant KeepVideoData to False or if there is not enough Heap space free. Saving a screen requires 2 kb to 12 kb (up to 12 kb in a Super VGA mode). The cursor size, cursor position and video mode are always restored. Graphic modes are never restored as they can require up to 2 Mb of storage - and very few people use DOS in graphics mode. If you place VidState after CRT in the Uses clause it WILL NOT work. It must be first because CRT sometimes clears the screen. The test program TESTVS goes into graphics mode, places colour on the screen and then exits. Note how VIDSTATE restores the screen, even Super VGA text modes! Also note that adding {$M 8196,0,0} to the top of the program stops VidState from working. * This software is copyright by Michael Gallias. You may use this software free of charge if you are simply using it for private use or if you are using it to write freeware, postware or public domain software. Please send me a postcard with your name and address and a small comment so I know that someone out there actually appreciates my software and hard work. If you are writing commercial software, working in a business, writing shareware, or using the software to make a profit, you are expected to make a reasonable donation to the author. Any comments or suggestions are always welcomed by the author. Please feel free to EMail me or write to me at any time. If the product is source code, you are welcome to use it in any of your programs. Furthermore, you are welcome to modify the code anyway you wish for your personal requirements. You may not however redistribute the modified source code. If you use any part or all of the source code in your programs, please make sure you credit me in y