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 My_Eliza - Simple Artificial Intelligence Program  Ed T. Toton III 22.04.93

Элиза - программа-болталка с минимальным искуственным интеллектом. Напоминает известные программы типа PSYS или Virtual Sysop. Имеет текстовый интерфейс и пополняемый словарный запас в виде простого текстового файла.
This is a pascal implementation of the ever popular Eliza program. This version is a bit larger and more complicated than it needs to be, but it has some interesting features.


Program Eliza_AI; Released to the Public Domain 4/22/93 by Ed T. Toton III This is a pascal implementation of the ever popular Eliza program. I realize that this version is a bit larger and more complicated than it needs to be, but it has some interesting features. You will want to note that since the actual communication routine returns the output by way of a string, you can add whatever interface you like. Right now it is simply using standard DOS I/O channels, thus allowing it to work through many BBS's, and on basically any system. Please distribute freely. Enjoy!