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 8088/8086 Instruction Code Assembler v1.20   Joe Tamburino 22.08.91

Модуль и демонстрационная программа для ассемблирования мнемонических инструкций для процессоров 8088/86. Имеет легко настраиваемую таблица команд в виде текстового файла.
The Assemble unit and a demonstration program to assemble Intel 8088/86 mnemonic instructions.


Instruction assembly code, by Joe Tamburino ------------------------------------------- Version 1.20 / Release Date: 8/22/91 Joseph J. Tamburino 7 Christopher Rd. Westford, MA 01886 Home: (508) 692-7756 Work: (603) 880-1322 Toll Free: (800) 247-2476 CompuServe: 70033,107 User Fee: $15.00 I had the need to write an 8088/86 instruction assembler, so I did, and here is version 1.20 of the results. Being such a low version number, this program is far from perfect. However, it should be sufficient for anyone wanting to implement an instruction assembler for their programs. This particular version of ASSEMBLE is written in Turbo Pascal, and tested with Turbo Pascal, versions 5.0-6.0. Here are the files included with the archived version of ASSEMBLE: ASSEM120.PAS: The whole entire assembler unit which defines, among other things, the procedure "Assemble" which does the assembling. ASSEMBLE.PAS: A program used to demonstrate the use of ASSEM120. Uses a debugger to verify the output of procedure Assemble. ASSEMBLE.EXE: The compiled version of ASSEMBLE.PAS. MNEMONIC.LST: The data file for ASSEM120. TRANSLAT.PAS: Translation program to convert MNEMONIC.LST to MNEMONIC.BIN. TRANSLAT.EXE: The compiled version of TRANSLAT.PAS MNEMONIC.BIN: The translated version of MNEMONIC.LST ASSEMBLE.DOC: This document Operation of ASSEM120 --------------------- The follo