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 RAT - Mouse Unit for Turbo Pascal 6.0   Chaitanya Bannerjee 11.07.1992

RAT. Turbo Pascal Mouse Unit. This is a set of macros for the mouse. When compiled, it is a .TPU file that can be included in your Turbo Pascal 6.0 applications. It has all the necessary commands for mouse programming.


RAT. Mouse Driver. July,1992. By Chaitanya Bannerjee. RAT. Turbo Pascal Unit. This is a set of macros for the mouse. When compiled, it is a .TPU file that can be included in your Turbo Pascal 6.0 applications. It has all the necessary commands for mouse programming. If you have any questions, please contact me. If you liked this utility, your contribution of $10 would be greatly appreciated. My address is: Chaitanya Bannerjee 600, east college avenue, Appleton, WI 54911. Ph: 414-832 7757. e-mail : 92231@lawrence.edu