June 14, 1991
When I saw Dave Kirsch's mouse routines for Turbo and Microsoft C I was
impressed enough to look for a way to use them in my Turbo Pascal programs.
After a lot of head scratching I finally came up with an object file that
could be linked to produce a Turbo Pascal Unit. MOUSE.TPU is the result.
MOUSE.TPU is ready to use for Turbo Pascal version 6. MOUSE.PAS will
need to be re-compiled for other versions of Turbo Pascal. DEMO.PAS is,
of course, a demonstration of the use of many of the routines. Also included
are all of Mr. Kirsch's original files.
Please refer to Mr. Kirsch's original MOU.DOC file for an explanation
of what each one of the routines does. In addition to Mr. Kirsch's routines
I've added two procedures written in Turbo Pascal:
MOUmove(X, Y: integer) Moves the mouse cursor to the screen
coordinates X, Y.
MOUconfine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer) Confines the mouse cursor to
an area on the screen. X1, Y1 is the upper left hand corner and
X2, Y2 is the lower right hand corner.
For an example of how to use these and other procedures in the unit please
refer to the DEMO.PAS file.
I've already re-written one of my Pascal programs to use these new mouse
routines. It sure is slick to see the mouse cursor glide across the screen
rather than jerk across. Run DEMO.EXE and see if you don't agree.
Jim Loos
2601 Dawn Dr.
Alexandria, VA 22306
(703) 765-1054