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 Mendow 2.1 - Window & Menuing Routines for TURBO PAS  Amrame Dworkin 30.09.1986

Набор функций для создания простых меню с перекрывающимися окнами. Реализован в виде файла, подключаемого директивой Include.
The MENDOW21.INC Routines Allow A User To Easily Create WINDOWS & MENUS. Both The Windows & the Menus have a pleasing double line border around them.


MENDOW21.INC (Window & Menuing Routines for TURBO PASCAL) Written By Amram Elye Dworkin Lead PC Programmer Potomac ADP. (301) 984-5533 (voice) 10-01-86 The MENDOW21.INC Routines Allow A User To Easily Create WINDOWS & MENUS. Both The Windows & the Menus have a pleasing double line border around them. MENDOW21 also allows Windowed Data Entry Screen Generation, but that feature is not fully implemented as of this writing. Heres How You Use MENDOW21.INC: The new version of MENDOWnn (MENDOW21) has been expanded to allow for moving menus. This feature forced me to change the old versions Make_Menu routine passing parameters so if you use MENDOW10 you should read the section on MENU Creation in the MENDOWS.DOC file. I have also added a programming example that should help clear up any confusion. If you find this program of any use to you please keep your damn 25$ and use it to buy yourself (or some poor soul) a beer or two. This was written for my own use (which has been substantial) and if you can get something out of it, then all the better. PD means 'Public Domain' not 'Payment Demanded'. If however you use this software to make yourself some serious bread I would not be averse to getting in on the action. IF MENDOWnn.INC IS USED ON ANYTHING THAT EVEN REMOTELY RESEMBLES COMMERCIALLY DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE I DEMAND THAT YOU GIVE ME CREDIT FOR WRITING THIS STUFF. IF YOU DON'T AND I FIND OUT I WILL SUE YOU. (REALLY, MY BROTHER'S A LAWYER SO IT'S NOT SKIN OFF MY NOSE). ONE LINE ACKNOWLEDGING THE WRITER OF THE MENU ROUTINES WILL BE SUFFICIENT. (SEE BOTTOM OF MENDOWS.DOC FOR EXAMPLE). I truly hope you will enjoy and enhance this software (if you enhance it please send me a copy o