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 Xmslib - XMS library for TP6.0  Loewy Ron 11.08.1991

Библиотека для работы с XMS 2.0 памятью для Турбо Паскаль 6.0. Позволяет программе использовать более 640K памяти под динамические переменные.
XMS library for TP6.0 implements the XMS 2.0 API for Turbo-Pascal 6.0. This package allows to use virtual memory references for data in turbo pascal, without the regular limitations of 640K.


******************************************************************************* * xmsLib * * xms library for TP6.0, Loewy Ron 1991. * * Last update : Aug. 11, 1991 * ******************************************************************************* Introduction ------------ xmsLib implements the XMS 2.0 API for Turbo-Pascal 6.0. This package is a first step in a project I took that will allow me to use virtual memory references for data in turbo pascal, without the regular limitations of 640K. I have used this library in some in house projects, But I would like to comment that I have used heavily only the extended memory allocation functions. (I have not used the UMB functions). The source of information for the XMS API was the XMS specification Ver 2.0 from July 19, 1988, published and copyrighted by : Copyright (c) 1988, Microsoft Corporation, Lotus Development Corporation, Intel Corporation, and AST Research, Inc. Technical documantation ----------------------- For technical docs, please refer to the XMS specification published by the mentioned companies. I will give a brief explanation of the functions defined in the UNIT INTERFACE. A demo test program XMSTEST.PAS is included and can be used as a referance for the use of the library. Notice : I use the term XMB to describe an eXtended Memory Block, where the XMS specification will discribe this block as EMB!. Warranty -------- There is no warranty what so ever, The unit and docs. are supplied as is, The author (Loewy Ron), is not, and will not be responsible for any damages, lost profits, or inconveniences caused by the use, or inability to use this unit. The use of the