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 XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) Unit For TP 6.0   Yuval Tal 04.03.1991

Модуль для работы с XMS для Турбо Паскаль 6.0. Позволяет использовать в программе все функции спецификации. Работает как с HIMEM.SYS так и с QEMM.SYS.
Using the XMS Unit you are able to call all the XMS functions from Turbo Pascal without having to worry about assembly or anything else.


XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) Unit For Turbo Pascal 6.0 Version 1.0 Written by Yuval Tal 04-Mar-91 This program may be freely distributed for non-commercial, non-business, and non-governmental uses, provided this notice is attached with it. My only request is that if you plan to use it regularly, let me know of know about it through e-mail or postal mail, so that I have an idea of how useful this program is (if you will add some cash to that letter it would be nice, ofcourse :-)). Also, if you have any problems, suggestions etc' please let me know. InterNet: nyyuval@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il or yuvalt@wisdocs.weizmann.ac.il Home address: 13 Glazer st. Rehovot, 76283 Israel Introduction ------------ The primitive method of accessing the extended memory is by using the AT's BIOS interrupt 15h. These methods have several weaknesses which I will not describe here. At 1988 Microsoft, Intel, AST Research and Lotus Corp. made a more sophisticated use of extended memory under MS-DOS - eXtended Memory Specification (XMS). The XMS defines software interface for 80286, 80386 and 80486 based PCs that allow real-mode application to use extended memory (EMB) and some areas of conventional memory which MS-DOS does not manage (UMB and HMA). Here is a figure which descirbes the memory: +-----------------+ 0K \ | | | | Base Memory | | | | | Conventional Memory | | | +-----------------+ 640K | | Upper