program at_extended_memory_size; { Copyright 1986 by Freelance, Inc. }
{ The cassette interrupt ( 15 ) has a few surprises when you are running an }
{ IBM AT. One of these surprises is the ability to determine the size of the }
{ extended memory - not expanded memory. Altogether there are twelve ( 12 ) }
{ such surprises. You can open and close devices, check for SysReq key make }
{ and break, support both the joystick and event waiting, block moves, even }
{ a way to put the processor into the virtual mode. IBM must be planning on }
{ using some of these for something other than power-on self testing... What }
{ do you think? A complete list of these functions follows: }
{ }
{ 1. Device Open }
{ 2. Device Close }
{ 3. Program Termination }
{ 4. Event waiting - alarm clock type function }
{ 5. Joystick Support }
{ 6. System Request, SysReq, key press detection }
{ 7. Wait a specified period of time before returning to user }
{ 8. Move a block of memory, 32k word limitation, to extended memory }
{ 9. Determine extended memory size }
{ 10. Switch the processor to virtual ( real ) mode }
{ 11. Device busy loop }
{ 12. Return the complete interrupt flag set }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ This program was written by David G. Pardue, the SYSOP of the Bungalow }
{ Billboard in Nashville, Tennessee. You may contact me at (615) 385-9919. }
{ Please feel free to leave messages about this program at the main menu. Do }
{ not leave comments. I never read comments. You may also send monetary }
{ donations in any amount, may I suggest $1, to this address: }
{ }
{ David G. Pardue }
{ c/o Freelance, Inc }
{ PO Box 23014 }
{ Nashville, TN 37202 }
{ }
{ Those sending $5.00 or more and a Stamped and Self Addressed Envelope will }
{ receive in a matter of weeks a missive, hand carried to their door by a }
{ representative of the Federal government, containing more information about }
{ the function numbers other than 88 hex. 88 hex is used in the program. }
{ }
{ Please distribute the archive freely, but leave all credits and copyright }
{ notices intact. No matter if the code that follows is not in the strictest }
{ sense good Pascal - you didn't write it! Cannibalize, but do not Plagarize! }