Purpose: Save your current drive mappings.
To execute just type 'MAPSAVE' and the program will read your current
drive mappings. It will ask you for every mapping if you intend to save
or discard it. MAPSAVE does not affect or change your current mappings.
The selected mappings will be written to an executable BATCH-file
named 'MAPGET.BAT' on your default directory. You can call this
BATCH-file any time.
Syntax: MAPGET
If you like to save your mappings to different files you can
also rename the file 'MAPGET.BAT' after running MAPSAVE.
MAPSAVE is a combination of a BATCH-file (MAPSAVE.BAT) that writes
your current drive mappings to a temporary ASCII-file, and a COM-file
(MAPSV.COM) that saves selected drives to the executable BATCH-file
Limitations: You need enough space (less than 1kB) and appropriate
rights (ROSDCW / FCRE) on your default drive.
Root mappings will be restored as normal mappings.
S.O.S. (Save Our Search-drives)
Feel free to copy this program and to distribute it to your customers.
Wolfgang Schreiber