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 TPDETECT - Checks for TP4+ Executables   D.J. Murdoch 13.08.1992

Утилита для определения, скомпилирована ли исполняемая программа с помощью TP4+. Распознавание производится по цепочке специфических вызовов в коде инициализации программы. Приведен только исполняемый модуль.
TPDETECT debugs the Turbo Pascal 4+ compiled executables and recognizes the start out with a series of far calls to the initialization sections of the various units.


TPDETECT - checks for Turbo Pascal 4+ executables. written by D.J. Murdoch for the public domain, August 1992. Syntax: TPDETECT fileset1 [fileset2 ...] will look at all the files in the filesets to find those that appear to have been compiled by Turbo Pascal. Description: Since the introduction of "units" with version 4.0 of TP, executables compiled by TP have been recognizable in a debugger by the fact that they start out with a series of far calls to the initialization sections of the various units. I recently got a new package containing a large collection of executables, and was curious whether any of them had been written in TP. Loading each of them into a debugger looked pretty dull, so I whipped this little utility together. The tests it uses are very simple: if a file is in .EXE format, and the first executed instruction is a far call, it is flagged as a possible TP program. If it's a new executable, and the first and second instructions are both far calls, then it's a TP for Windows program. This test correctly detects TP versions 4.0 to 6.0, and TPW versions 1.0 and 1.5; it may work for later versions, too. I don't know of any false positives, but I'm sure there are some, so don't trust it too much. Just have fun with it! Bugs: TPDETECT is without warranty, is poorly tested, and probably contains lots of bugs. If you find any, please let me know; I might even fix them. Duncan Murdoch Internet: dmurdoch@mast.queensu.ca Compuserve: 71631,122 Fidonet: DJ Murdoch at 1:249/99.5 Registration fee: TPDETECT is public domain. There's no charge! But, if the money is burning a hole in your pocket, donate it to a local charity and let me know, so we'll both feel good about it.