Hey There!
This code was sitting there taking up precious space on my HD,
rotting away, and I suddenly thought "Hey! why not let someone
else have it!" so here it is.....
What does it do??
Well, basically, it just sets up mode X 320x200x256x4 page mode,
it also uses a modplayer to play sound through the devices that
that player supports, it then loads 4 raw screens into VGA mem
and flips between the pages (my name - so its lame..)
and then when you press a key, it changes to a coupla screens
that you can switch between by hitting the F (flip) key,
you can also quit by pressing Q (quit) key. For some reason I
didnt use esc..
Things to remember
1) The raw screens are 320x200 ones, I just had lying around,
so dont take any notice of them..
2) The mod file I knocked up ages ago, when I first got a tracker
3) The code is old, and is a mixture of pascal and inline asm, so
its not meant to be a guide for anything but having a laugh at.
4) This was all done some time ago, and doesnt represent anything
but me going through the learning phase everyone must go through
to become a better coder.
Well, Its probably what you call freeware, or public domain, but
I strongly suggest you dont use it, as its a lame as hell for
anything but an example.
Phil Carlisle (aka PC aka Zoombapup of Codex)
No Greetz (not worth it)
Oh, I suppose I better say...
You can contact me on internet on pc@espr.demon.co.uk