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 MODEX Pascal Library for 16 bit Protected Mode   Mike Chapin 13.02.1994

Графическая библиотека для ModeX режимов. Компилируется в 16-битном защищенном режиме. Имеется поддержка мыши и загрузки фонтов.
ModeX Pascal library for 16 bit protected mode. Freeware Borland Pascal library for VGA ModeX. Supports 320x240 and 320x200 paged VGA modes. Has font and mouse support and a simple event handler.


Documentation for MODEX Pascal Library Written By Mike Chapin This library is a set of routines for VGA ModeX written for 16 bit protected mode. This library came out of seeing all the ModeX libraries that are written for C. I thought why should they have all the fun. There was no problem with the C code since I work in that language most of the time. Borland Pascal is fun to program in and I'm not much of a language snob so I decided to port some stuff over. I also like to work in Borland Pascal also. This is because of the almost instantanious compile and link times. It is a great language for experimentation, And except for the lack of a huge data model it will do anything C or C++ will. I had a lot of code around from a GUI library I have been messing with for a while. I also have code for a 16 bit C++ ModeX library I did a couple of years back. With the exception of the font routines, There is nothing found in here that cannot be found in a gillion sources around the networks so I decided to put the whole thing into public domain. Most of the low level code here found its seeds in Michael Abrash code that was originally published in "Power Graphics Programming". Other code has its basis in the series he did for "Dr. Dobb's Journal". Other code is based on stuff from my own libraries that I have developed for other uses. The code is designed to be the basis of a game library. I decided to put this in proteced mode since the data requirements for even a small 256 color game can require a lot of memory. I don't know about you but I am very tired of having to strip my machine down to the bare bones just to run a game. Protected mode programs typically take about 200k of the lower 640k; just enough to load the DOS extender and some code to handle it. I haven't used any heavy duty routines from WinAPI yet so feel free to add them if you want to. This whole body of code is released into the public domain. Use it and enjoy. Some of this stuff hasn't been tested as much as I would like, i.e. read that I haven't done a game with this code. So I assume no responsability if your computer gets offended and walks out on you. The stuff that has been tested is in the demos. Low Level Routines Most of the low level routines are standard fare of setting modes, going back to text mode and puting various stuff on the screen. They are mostly self explanitory. The ones I will touch on are the routines and structures that should have a little more explanation. The first item is that there is no clipping at the moment, even on the mouse. ***** Procedure UsePage(pagenum : Word); This routine sets that page that all graphics functions will write to. Procedure ShowPage(pagenum : Word); This routine controls what page will be shown on the screen. Procedure FlipPage; Sets the current write page to the current view page and vice-versa. This is just a shorthand function for doing it yourself each time with UsePage and ShowPage. Procedure CopyPage(source, dest : Word); Copies the full contents of one graphics page to another. ***** Procedure BlockPageToPage(sourcepage, dest_page, startx, starty, width, height, destx, desty : Word); This routine moves a portion of one page to another. startx and destx will be forced to a DWORD boundry before the move is made. This routine transfers a DWORD at a time and is very fast. ***** Function GetPicMask(Var pic : PictHeader) : BytePtr; Procedure CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX(sourcepage, SourceStartX, SourceStartY, SourceWidth, SourceHeight, DestStartX, DestStartY, DestPageBase : Word; masks : BytePtr); These two functions work together to do pretty much the same thing that BlockPageToPage does except it will tranfer using a mask. GetPicMask will take a PictHeader structure and return an array of masks for the picture. Every place there is a color 0, a transparent area is formed. This array is passed to CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX. CopyScreenToScreenMaskedX will transfer irregular shaped objects from one screen to the other. Picture Functions Procedure GetPic(x, y, width, height : Word; Var pic : PictHeader); Procedure PutPic(x, y : Word; Var p : PictHeader); Procedure FreePic(Var pic : PictHeader); These routines work together to save pictures from the screen, put them back up and to free the memory associated with them when you are finished. GetPic will make a buffer of the proper size and lift an area off the screen. PutPic will place that picture at the coordinates of the current Write Page. FreePic will free up the buffer associated with PictHeader and zero out all the fields. Pictures cannot be larger than 65520 bytes. The format used for pictures is a planar type for speed. Each plane is bytewidth wide and height high. ***** Procedure PutMaskedPic(x, y : Word; Var p : PictHeader); This does the same as PutPic except that color 0 is transparent. Procedure SetScreenBuffers(Var s : ScreenPic); Procedure FreeScreenBuffers(Var s : ScreenPic); Procedure PutScreen(page : Word; Var s : ScreenPic); Procedure GetScreen(page : Word; Var s : ScreenPic); SetScreenBuffers allocates the memory needed to hold a full screen. I have used four 19200 apiece. I did not use GlobalAllocPtr because it simply allocates chunks of 64k and another 11k or so with another selector. This would be awkward to use for restroring screens. FreeScreenBuffers frees up the memory allocated in SetScreen Buffers. PutScreen and GetScreen do pretty much what you would expect. FONTS This portion is from a GUI I am developing. It uses font data that is similar to that used by PCX fonts with my own header. The fonts are versitile enough to be brought in from a file or linked in. All three types are demoed in the file FONTDEMO.PAS. The original code would let you use the BIOS fonts on the machine but the extender returns a bogus selector value so I had to pull that code out. If anyone has figured out how to get around this I would like to know. I left the original code but commented out. To use the linked fonts you must have an assembler to assemble the font into an object file. Two utilities are in the package GEM2PRF.EXE and PRF2ASM.EXE. GEM2PRF converts a file in Gem format to my own format. This allows you to use the gem fonts that come with GENUS and CSource libraries. PRF2ASM will output an ASM file for use with a linked font. ***** Event Handler The event handler is a rather simple affair. I just captures keystrokes and mouse actions and puts them into a queue. Each call to GetEvent will grab an event out of the queue if one is availible. If there is a mouse present the handler will hook in the interrupt handler to grab mouse events. Call CloseEvents at the end of your program to unhook the mouse event handler and free up the memory used by the queue. This is a rather simple and safe event handler. I don't hook into the keyboard interrupt to grab keystrokes. Instead I just grab all the keystrokes and put them in the queue with a BIOS call in each call to GetEvent. This makes everything nice and safe. I have used this same event handler in conjuction with taking over the keyboard interrupt. I haven't tried it under protected mode but I'm sure it would work if someone cared to modify the routines. ***** The Mouse This has all the standard mouse stuff and can be used without using the event handler. Just make sure you unhook the interrupt handler before leaving your program. The standard mouse handler does not know how to put a mouse image on the screen in ModeX so you have to take over the operation of showing and hiding the mouse yourself. The way the mouse is drawn is that it uses and 16x16 pixel picture for the mouse. You can use MouseSetCursor to change the picture used for the mouse. The mouse is always drawn on the current Write Page. The data structure rodent carries all the information for the mouse. The mouse can be displayed two ways. The first method is the normal method the mouse is used. To use this method set rodent.savebg to True. If you are going to do a lot of page flipping and contiually wiping over the area where the mouse is you might want to call the mouse routines that put the cursor on the screen yourself. For this set rodent.savebg to False and call PutMouseImage directly. Limitations: Right now the mouse does not clip. Also you should keep the hot spot to 0, 0. I have not put in any code to handle the edges in this case. I can almost guarantee a protection fault if you try to draw below SegA000. Have fun! Mike Chapin GEnie M.CHAPIN Compuserve 71420,560