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 BFTIME v1.0 - A File Date/Timestamp Updater  Brian Leiter 11.03.95

Программа для установки текущей даты/времени у группы файлов, задаваемых по маске. BP7/RM
This small program update a date/timestamp for a group of files.


  Program BFTIME; {(C) 1995 - Brian Leiter - 03/11/1995} Uses DOS,CRT; Var H,M,S,Hund : Word; { For GetTime } FTime : Longint; { For Get/SetFTime } DT : DateTime; { For Pack/UnpackTime } Year,Month,Day,Dow : Word; { For Date } F,F1 : Text; { For File Name } Log : Boolean; { For Log File } Count : Integer; { For File Count } DirInfo : SearchRec; { For Search Info } Const Days : Array [0..6] of String[9] = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday', 'Friday','Saturday'); CDrive: Byte = 0; Procedure Help; Begin ClrScr; Textcolor(9); Writeln(' BFTIME v1.0 - A File Date/Timestamp Updater Program '); Textcolor(15); Writeln('-------------------------------------------------------'); Writeln('');Textcolor(14); Writeln('Command Line Usage: BFTIME [FILE MASK] (Log File)'); Writeln('');Textcolor(11); Writeln('Ex 1: BFTIME *.ZIP ', '<---< No Log File'); Writeln('Ex 2: BFTIME *.ZIP C:\LOG\BFTIME.LOG ', '<---< Log File Used'); Textcolor(7); Writeln(' ^ ^ ^'); Writeln(' | | +------------------', '< Path & Name Of Log File'); Writeln(' | |'); Writeln(' | +------------------------', '< Mask For Files To Be Updated'); Writeln(' |'); Writeln(' +-------------------------------', '< Executionable Program File'); Writeln('');Sound(850);Delay(350);NoSound;Sound(650); Delay(350);NoSound;Sound(850);Delay(350);NoSound; Halt; End; Procedure CheckParams; Begin Log:=False; If (ParamCount=0) or (ParamCount>2) Then Help; If ParamCount=2 Then Log:=True; End; Procedure DateNow; Begin GetDate(Year,Month,Day,Dow); If Log=True Then Begin Assign(F1,ParamStr(2)); {$I-}Reset(F1);{$I+} IF IOResult<> 0 Then Rewrite(F1); Append(F1); Writeln(F1,'START LOG: ',Days[Dow],', ',Month:0, '-', Day:0, '-', Year:0,'  BFTIME v1.0'); End; End; Function LeadingZero(W : Word) : String; Var S : String; { For File Name } Begin Str(W:0,S); If Length(S) = 1 Then S := '0' + S; LeadingZero := S; End; Procedure Importit; Begin FindFirst(ParamStr(1), Archive, DirInfo); While DosError = 0 Do Begin Count:=Count+1; Assign(F,DirInfo.Name); Reset(F); GetTime(H,M,S,Hund); GetDate(Year,Month,Day,Dow); GetFTime(F,FTime); Gotoxy(1,9); Textcolor(14); Writeln(' ',DirInfo.Name, ' Was Re-Dated And Re-Timestamped At ', LeadingZero(h),':',LeadingZero(m),':', LeadingZero(s)); If Log=True Then Begin Append(F1); Writeln(F1,'  ',DirInfo.Name, ' Was Re-Dated And Re-Timestamped At ', LeadingZero(h),':',LeadingZero(m),':', LeadingZero(s)); End; UnpackTime(FTime,DT); With DT Do Begin GetDate(Year,Month,Day,Dow); Day:=Day; Month:=Month; Year:=Year; Hour := H; Min := M; Sec := S; PackTime(DT,FTime); Reset(F); SetFTime(F,FTime); End; Close(F); FindNext(DirInfo); End; Gotoxy(1,10); Textcolor(11); If Count>=1 Then Writeln(' Operation Successfull', ' - There Were ',Count,' Files Updated!'); If Count<=0 Then Begin Writeln(' Operation Failed - There Were No Files ', 'Matches Found!'); Sound(350);Delay(350);NoSound; Sound(150); Delay(350);NoSound; End; If Log=True Then Begin Append(F1); If Count<=0 Then Writeln(F1,'  Operation Failed', ' - No File Match Found '); Writeln(F1,'END OF LOG: BFTIME (C) 1995 Brian Leiter,', ' All Rights Reserved'); Writeln(F1,'-----------------------------------------', '---------------------------------------'); Close(F1); End; End; Procedure Logo; Begin Clrscr; Textcolor(15);Textbackground(4); Writeln('+--------------------------------------------+'); Writeln('| -= BFTIME v1.0 =- 03/11/95 |'); Writeln('| |'); Writeln('| File Date And Timestamp Updater |'); Writeln('| |'); Writeln('| (C) 1995 Brian Leiter, All Rights Reserved |'); Writeln('+--------------------------------------------+'); Textbackground(0); End; Begin; CheckParams; Logo; DateNow; Importit; Textcolor(7); End.