NetStats.Pas and NetStats.Exe
TurboPASCAL 5.00 program written by Justin Marquez, Jr. and placed into the
Public Domain for all to freely do what they will with it. There are no
restrictions placed on distribution or use of this code and program. There is
no support given, NOR ANY WARRANTY OF ANY TYPE IMPLIED. It is what it is.
Input Files Required:
A FidoNet "St. Louis Format" nodelist or fragment thereof.
OutPut Files Generated:
NetStats.Out = a text file showing various statistics about the input
nodelist file's contents.
NETSTATS <filename>
where <filename> is replaced with a DOS-type filename or simply the
file's "first name". The program will search through all files with that
first name (or wildcard) for the file which:
- has numbers in the .### part of the name (name Extension)
- and has the latest time/date stamp
If you do NOT want it to search for the latest file, do not add anything
after the program (i.e., no parameters):
and you'll be prompted for a complete filename.
The report generated shows "real" nodes (i.e., NOT Admin, or Down, or Hold, or
Pvt ) for all categories except those which are designed to show non-real
nodes. The percents shown are also based on division by the "real" node count.
Output Data File
The program outputs a data file with the same data as is in the
regular print report file. The data file is COMMA-DELIMTED
format, with ASCII strings enclosed in double quotes. This
format may be "imported" into a number of spreadsheets and
databases. It may also be easily read by a BASIC program as
well. Here is list of the output data items in the order in
which they appear in the file. (Note that each run of the
program produces ONE LINE which is APPENDED to the data file):
FKb File Size, in KBytes (Bytes/1024)
FMonth File Date: MONTH
FDay File Date: DAY
FYear File Date: YEAR
IfnaList FILE NAME used as input
i Number of "real nodes"
NonComments Number of Non-Comment lines in the list
ZoneCount Zones
RegionCount Regions
HostCount Hosts (and therefore, NETS)
HubCount HUBs in those nets
DownCount How many nodes are marked "Down"
PvtCount How many nodes are marked "Pvt"
HoldCount How many nodes are marked "Hold"
AdminOVHD Number of Administrative nodes (Zone, Region, Host, Hub)
Baud9600 How many "9600 baud flags" there are (Yes, yes, BPS ...)
HST HST flagged
PEP PEP flagged
MAX MAX flagged
HAY HAY flagged
V32 V32 flagged
V32B V32B flagged
V42 V42 flagged
V42B V42B flagged
Baud2400 2400 baud (uh, BPS) systems
Baud1200 1200 baud (uh, BPS) systems
Baud300 300 baud (uh, BPS) systems
CrashMail CM flagged
MailOnly MO flagged
NetStats Region19.188
NetStats C:\Opus\Nodelist\Nodelist.188
Justin Marquez
@FidoNet 1:106/100