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 FdPkt - FidoNet unit with .PKT Support   Mihail Savchenko 24.07.1992

Модуль для работы с .PKT файлами. Позволяет разбирать пакет на отдельные сообщения.
FIDONET UNIT by Kelly Drown, Copyright (C)1988,89-LCP, Modified by Mihail Savchenko


Unit FidoNet; { Beta Copy - Rev 6/5/89 Ver. 0.31 } { FIDONET UNIT by Kelly Drown, Copyright (C)1988,89-LCP } { All rights reserved } { If you use this unit in your own programming, I ask } { only that you give me credit in your documentation. } { I ask this instead of money. All of the following code } { is covered under the copyright of Laser Computing Co. } { and may be used in your own programming provided the } { terms above have been satisfactorily met. } { * * * } { (1) 07/24/92 This source code was changed for } { TurboPascal/TechnoJock6.0 by Mihail Savchenko, } { St.Petersburg. Internet: Mihail@infoc.spb.su } { FiDo: 2:5030/27 } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function PacketName : String; { Creates and returns a unique Packet name } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function PacketMessage : String; { Returns a Packet message header } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function PacketHeader : String; { Returns a Packet Header String } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function NetMessage : String; { Returns a NetMessage header string } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetPath(Var FName : String) : Boolean; { Returns the FULL Path and filename for a filename } { if the file is found in the path. } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function MsgDateStamp : String; { Creates Fido standard- 01 Jan 89 21:05:18 } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function MsgToNum( Fnm : String ) : Integer; { Used Internally by LastMsgNum } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function LastMsgNum( _NetPath : String ) : Integer; { Returns the highest numbered xxx.MSG in NetPath directory } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function Hex(N : Word) : String; { Converts an integer or word to it's Hex equivelent } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function ArcName : String; { Returns the proper name of an echomail archive } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetNet( GN : String ) : String; { Returns the NET portion of a Net/Node string } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetNode( GN : String ) : String; { Returns the NODE portion of a Net/Node string } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ExpandNodeNumbers(Var List : String; VAR TotalNumber : Integer ); { Expands a list of short form node numbers to thier proper } { Net/Node representations. Example: The string: 170/100 101 102 5 114/12 15 17 166/225 226 Would return: 170/100 170/101 170/102 170/5 114/12 114/15 etc.. } {-------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Conv_NetNode(NetNode : String; VAR Net, Node : Word); { Returns NET and NODE as words from a Net/Node string }