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 STR. Как вытащить N-е слово из строки   Victor Snopov 07.11.1997

Приведен пример вытаскивания N-го слова в строке на примере переменной окружения PATH.


Hi, Andrey! 04 Nov 1997 at 16:30 you wrote to All: AL> как yзнaть кoличеcтвo cлoв в cтpoке и пoлyчить n-oе? возьми какой-нибудь TurboProfessional, там все есть... или почти все. лови кусок tpstring.pas Type CharSet = Set of Char ; function WordCount(S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : Byte; {-Given a set of word delimiters, return number of words in S} var I, Count : Byte; SLen : Byte absolute S; begin Count := 0; I := 1; while I <= SLen do begin {skip over delimiters} while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do Inc(I); {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word} if I <= SLen then Inc(Count); {find the end of the current word} while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do Inc(I); end; WordCount := Count; end; function ExtractWord(N : Byte; S : string; WordDelims : CharSet) : string; {-Given a set of word delimiters, return the N'th word in S} var I, Count, Len : Byte; SLen : Byte absolute S; begin Count := 0; I := 1; Len := 0; ExtractWord[0] := #0; while (I <= SLen) and (Count <> N) do begin {skip over delimiters} while (I <= SLen) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do Inc(I); {if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word} if I <= SLen then Inc(Count); {find the end of the current word} while (I <= SLen) and not(S[I] in WordDelims) do begin {if this is the N'th word, add the I'th character to Tmp} if Count = N then begin Inc(Len); ExtractWord[0] := Char(Len); ExtractWord[Len] := S[I]; end; Inc(I); end; end; end; >(* example *) Uses Dos; Var S : String ; i : Byte ; begin S := GetEnv('PATH') ; WriteLn('Path`s directories :') ; for i := 1 to WordCount(S,[';']) do WriteLn(ExtractWord(i,S,[';'])) ; end. See you, Victor. --- timEd/386 1.10+ * Origin: Vitka Station St.Petersburg, Russia (2:5030/312.66)