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 FindWin - Check for MS Windows Version   NativSoft 09.02.1991

Простая программа для определения версии Windows. Определяет Win2, Win3, Win/386
A quick and dirty program to detect and report whether any version of Microsoft Windows (tm) is running.


Copyright (C) 1991 by: NativSoft Computing 1155 College Ave. Adrian, MI, 49221 (517) 265-6080 CIS 71160,1045 A quick and dirty program to detect and report whether any version of Microsoft Windows (tm) is running. Based on information published in an article by Ben Myers of Spirit of Performance, Inc. (Dr. Dobb's Journal, #172, January, 1991, pg 116) ALTINTR was adapted from a public domain procedure found in INFOPLUS by ANDREW ROSSMAN. This procedure is necessary because TP only FAKES an INT!! The normal TP construct, INTR($2F,regs), therefore fails to detect Windows running in enhanced mode. With TP6's BASM the required code can be inserted directly into the body of the program. Compile with Turbo Pascal v5.5 (requires REALINT.OBJ) or Turbo Pascal v6 (requires conditional define "ver6") This program is released to the public domain and is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular reason. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with the user.