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 GetEnvStr - Get Environment Function  Paul Heitner 07.11.1988

Функция GetEnvStr возвращает значение указанной переменной из окружения.
GetEnvStr - This function takes a SET parameter and returns the string value associated with that parameter.


Written Jan 1988 by Paul Heitner, Bramalea, Ontario. Placed in the Public Domain. The author disclaims any responsibility for possible adverse consequences resulting from the use of this code. GetEnvStr - This function takes a SET parameter and returns the string value associated with that parameter. Input requirements are: Valid SET parameter in UpperCase (like 'COMSPEC') Outputs are: The value of the supplied SET parameter in a String type if the parameter exists in the environment, else a null string if the parameter cannot be found. If given a null string parameter GetEnvStr will return a null string. credits: - Bela Lubkin - Stuart Fuller - Paul Heitner (Turbo Pascal 4.0 version)