DDS: Disk Drive Summary in Turbo Pascal
Earl F. Glynn
Overland Park, KS
Compuserve 73257,3527
DDS shows a disk drive summary of all active drives, including
bytes/sector, sectors/cluster, number of clusters, bytes
capacity, bytes available, and working directory. SUBSTituted
"virtual" drives are not shown.
Information about the Disk Parameter Block and what I have termed
the "Drive Array" was found in the public domain program
SYSID.PAS by Steve Grant, Long Beach, CA. I prefer to use
RECORDs and pointers to access this information instead of the
MEM and MEMW Turbo Pascal "arrays".
DDS does not work well if logical drives A and B are both active
and are the same physical drive. The DOS prompt(s) may interfere
with the output.
DDS is very useful on machines with DOS 3.3 and large disk
drives. For example, the IBM Model 80-111 has hard drives C, D,
E and F under DOS 3.3. DDS will quickly summarize information
about all drives, including RAM disks.
File D e s c r i p t i o n
------------ ---------------------------------------
DDS.PAS Disk Drive Summary source program.
DDS.EXE Execute DDS > DDS.OUT to create output.
DDS.OUT Sample DDS output.
DDS.DOC This file.
Sample of DDS output:
Disk Drive Summary (Version 1, July 1989)
Root Dir
Bytes/ B y t e s Entries Working
Drive Cluster Clusters Capacity Available Max Current Directory
----- ------- -------- -------- --------- --- ------- ---------
A 1024 713 730112 offline 112 offline A:\
C 2048 16339 33462272 5031936 512 30 C:\TP\LIB
D 4096 2170 8888320 851968 512 11 D:\DEMO