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 Ringnes Motion - Text Mode 3D Demo   Joker/Crusaders 04.12.1997

Трехмерное вращение отекстуренного текста в текстовом режиме.
Text mode 3D Textured Text Rotation.


  --=> R I N G N E S M O T I O N <=-- This demo was created during one week of coding, and released at Distortion96 It won the competition, and was (shock) the only one in its kind. - I know that it could need a smaller bit of optimization, but I have this rule : I don't alter demos after release. This one is released. The only thing I had some pressure on, are that some people wanted (..real much..) a support for *nosound*. Well, I implemented it today, and uses a timer to fake-time the music. - Anyway, only two persons made this demo, me (The Joker / Crusaders) and Eric Lloyd / ATC. The reason that It stands 'ATC', is that I was in that group when I created it. Some additional help to ideas was picked up from some sick people at crusaders. Here is the list over all ports/intterupts used : INT 10h AX=1112h : setting of 80x50. INT 10h AX=0003h : Set back to 80x25. INT 10H CX=2020h ah=01h : Takes away the cursor (annoying thing). INT 10h CX=0706h AH=01h : Get back the cursor. Nice touch for the user. Port 3DAh : wait for retrace. None character was altered during this demo, so if you use weird character- set, then it might not look so good anymore. :) If any doubt, you can press any key during zoom/rotate-part, and I will use that character you pressed (All ASCII-codes accepted) - Exept SPACE : it quits the demo. All other parts : any key will (should?) quit the demo.... Greetings : Wobba - Man, you need help... much help. Zeb - Keep the Internet account running :) Andy Floyd Congratulations on the police-case. all others on #coders You can contact us : joker@crusaders.no lloyd@whq.atc.no - or Crusaders Productions v/The Joker Stationsveien 56 2010 STROMMEN Norway Feel free to send money (yeah, right!)