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 Phong Shading   Yury Uralsky 27.06.1997

Трехмерное вращение тора с фонг-затенением.
A freeware 100% pascal phongshading program. No extra units are required. I wrote it in bp 7, but I assume it will work in lower versions as well. Jeroen Bouwens, The Netherlands.


- NEWPAS97 ------------------------- New PASss from Nice Src of 1997 - Msg : 59 of 311 Addr Date From : Yury Uralsky 2:5023/16 27.06.97 Subj : Phong-Shading ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello All. Вроде просили тут ... Фонг на паскале. Медленно, конечно, но в целях обучения пойдет ;) Yury --- GoldED/W32 2.51.A0901+ * Origin: In the beginning there was code ... (2:5023/16) {> Cut here. FileName= pasphong.pas } { Ok, here it is. A freeware 100% pascal phongshading program. No extra units are required. Just extract the program, and run it. I wrote it in bp 7, but I assume it will work in lower versions as well. A few remarks: 1) The 'phong-map' is pretty crappy, so it looks a bit like gouraudshading (Trust me, it's not :-). 2) Don't tell me it's slow, I know that (My latest routines are 6 times faster). 3) Feel free to use it anywhere you want, and spread it if you want. 4) Comments are appreciated, as long as they are positive :-). I wrote this version exclusively for this purpose, and removing the need for extra units or external files wasn't easy (Look at CreateTorusData, it was a real pain in the ...). I might post another program in the future calculate phong-maps using the complete phong-model, which looks a zillion times better. But don't count on it. Just an idea: You can try to use the texture-map routine from gfxfx2 to speed it up. I haven't tried it, but it should be possible. Last words: Have fun. Jeroen Bouwens, The Netherlands. } {--------------------------------------------------------------------} {Freeware phong-shading routine. Spread it if you want. Credit me if you use it. Made by Jeroen Bouwens, The Netherlands. Mail me: e-mail : j.bouwens@tn.ft.hse.nl (Preferred) Fido : 2:284/123.3 Greets: Alex,Rob,Martijn,Maarten,Bas,Sean,Richard,Marcel,Jurjen, Michel,Sonja,N-Faktor and all the other people I met at Wired (Cool party)} Uses Crt;{$R- $Q-} Var Faces : Array [1..320,1..3] Of Integer; FNX,FNY,FNZ,Pind,PolyZ : Array [1..320] Of Integer; BX,BY,BZ,UT,VT,X,Y,Z,NX,NY,NZ : Array [1..160] of Integer; Cosinus,Sinus : Array [0..255] of LongInt; Pict,Screen2 : Pointer; NumOfVerts,NumOfFaces, EyeDist,VirSeg : Word; I,J,G,NumVisible,XT1,YT1,ZT1 : Integer; Alpha,Beta,Gamma,K : Byte; {Timer variables}Time : Longint ABSOLUTE $0040:$006C; T1,Aantal : LongInt; { Procedures that are not time-critical (Not used during rotation) } Procedure Palette(ColNum,R,G,B:Byte); Assembler; Asm Mov dx,$3c8; Mov al,ColNum; Out dx,al; Inc dx; Mov al,R; Out dx,al; Mov al,G; Out dx,al; Mov al,B; Out dx,al End; Procedure CalcVertexNormals; {Calculate the average normal vector at each vertex-point} Var I,J,NF : Integer; RelX1,RelY1,RelZ1,RelX2,RelY2,RelZ2,VL : Real; Begin {In which face is each point used, and average these face-normals} For I:=1 To NumOfVerts Do Begin RelX1:=0; RelY1:=0; RelZ1:=0; NF:=0; For J:=1 To NumOfFaces Do Begin If (Faces[J,1]=I) Or (Faces[J,2]=I) Or (Faces[J,3]=I) Then Begin RelX1:=RelX1+FNX[J]; RelY1:=RelY1+FNY[J]; RelZ1:=RelZ1+FNZ[J]; Inc(NF); End; End; If NF<>0 then Begin RelX1:=RelX1/NF; RelY1:=RelY1/NF; RelZ1:=RelZ1/NF; VL:=Sqrt(RelX1*RelX1+RelY1*RelY1+RelZ1*RelZ1); NX[I]:=Round((RelX1/VL)*120); NY[I]:=Round((RelY1/VL)*120); NZ[I]:=Round((RelZ1/VL)*120); End; End; End;{CalcVertexNormals} Procedure CreateTorusData; Var HorAngle,VertAngle,Count : Integer; CX,CY,RX1,RY1,RZ1,RX2,RY2,RZ2 : Real; Begin NumOfVerts:=160; NumOfFaces:=320; Count:=1; For HorAngle:=0 To 15 Do Begin{Calculate vertex-positions} CX:=Cos(HorAngle/2.546479089)*170; CY:=Sin(HorAngle/2.546479089)*170; For VertAngle:=0 To 9 Do Begin X[Count]:=Round(CX+Cos(VertAngle/1.592)*Cos(HorAngle/2.546)*90); Y[Count]:=Round(CY+Cos(VertAngle/1.592)*Sin(HorAngle/2.546)*90); Z[Count]:=Round(Sin(VertAngle/1.59154931)*90); Inc(Count); End; End; Count:=1; For HorAngle:=0 To 15 Do {Store face-data (Which veticies form which face} For VertAngle:=0 To 9 Do Begin Faces[Count,3]:=HorAngle*10+VertAngle+1; Faces[Count,2]:=HorAngle*10+(VertAngle+1) Mod 10+1; Faces[Count,1]:=(HorAngle*10+VertAngle+10) Mod 160+1; Inc(Count); Faces[Count,3]:=HorAngle*10+(VertAngle+1) Mod 10+1; Faces[Count,2]:=(HorAngle*10+(VertAngle+1) Mod 10+10) Mod 160+1; Faces[Count,1]:=(HorAngle*10+VertAngle+10) Mod 160+1; Inc(Count); End; For Count:=1 To 320 Do Begin{Calculate and store face-normals} RX1:=X[Faces[Count,2]]-X[Faces[Count,1]]; RY1:=Y[Faces[Count,2]]-Y[Faces[Count,1]]; RZ1:=Z[Faces[Count,2]]-Z[Faces[Count,1]]; RX2:=X[Faces[Count,3]]-X[Faces[Count,1]]; RY2:=Y[Faces[Count,3]]-Y[Faces[Count,1]]; RZ2:=Z[Faces[Count,3]]-Z[Faces[Count,1]]; FNX[Count]:=Round(RY1*RZ2-RY2*RZ1); FNY[Count]:=Round(RZ1*RX2-RZ2*RX1); FNZ[Count]:=Round(RX1*RY2-RX2*RY1); End; End;{CreateTorusData} Procedure Initialize; Begin Asm Mov ax,$13; Int $10 End; GetMem(Screen2,64000); VirSeg:=Seg(Screen2^); CreateTorusData; CalcVertexNormals; For I:=0 To 255 Do Begin Cosinus[I]:=Round(Cos(I/40.585707465)*128); Sinus[I]:=Round(Sin(I/40.585707465)*128); End; GetMem(Pict,65535); {Palette-creation. Skip this one to see the non-lineair colour transition} For I:=1 To 63 Do Palette(I,I,10+Round(I/1.4),20+Round(I/1.6)); {Here, the 'phong-map' as I call it is created. Normally I use a different routine for that (Looks WAY better), but that one is too big} For I:=0 To 255 Do For J:=0 To 255 Do Begin Mem[Seg(Pict^):Ofs(Pict^)+Word(256*I)+J]:= Round(Sqr(Sqr(Sin(I/81.487)))*Sqr(Sqr(Sin(J/81.487)))*62)+1; {Just to show you how it looks: } Mem[$A000:320*Round(I/1.25)+J]:= Mem[Seg(Pict^):Ofs(Pict^)+Word(256*I)+J]; End; End;{Initialize} { Procedures that are time-critical (Used during rotation) } Procedure SwapScreen; Assembler; Asm Mov dx,$3DA; @@WaitVBL: In al,dx; and al,8; jz @@WaitVBL; Push ds; Lds si,Screen2; Mov ax,$A000; Mov es,ax; Xor di,di; Mov cx,16000; db $66; Rep Movsw; Pop ds End; Procedure Cls(Var Where); Assembler; Asm Les di,Where; Mov cx,16000; db $66; Xor ax,ax; db $66; Rep Stosw; End; Procedure Quicksort(Hi : Integer); Procedure Sort(L,R : Integer); Var I,J,X,Y : Integer; Begin I:=L; J:=R; X:=PolyZ[(L+R) Div 2]; Repeat While polyz[i]>x do inc(i); While x>polyz[j] do dec(j); If I<=J Then Begin Y:=PolyZ[I]; PolyZ[I]:=PolyZ[J]; PolyZ[J]:=Y; Y:=Pind[I]; Pind[I]:=Pind[J]; Pind[J]:=Y; Inc(I); Dec(J); End; Until I>J; If L<J Then Sort(L,J); If I<R Then Sort(I,R); End; Begin Sort(1,Hi) End;{QuickSort} Procedure NewTex(X1,Y1,U1,V1,X2,Y2,U2,V2,X3,Y3,U3,V3:Integer; Texture:Pointer); {The actual texture-map routine. Only a little commented :-} Var TexOfs : Array [0..320] Of Word; SO,Long : Word; XL,UL,VL,XR,UR,VR : Array [0..200] Of LongInt; DY21,DY31,DY32,DX21, DX31,DX32,DU21,DU31,DU32 : LongInt; DV21,DV31,DV32,U,V,I,J,K : LongInt; Begin {Sort for increasing y-coordinates} For I:=1 To 2 Do Begin If Y3<Y2 Then Begin J:=Y3; Y3:=Y2; Y2:=J; J:=X3; X3:=X2; X2:=J; J:=U3; U3:=U2; U2:=J; J:=V3; V3:=V2; V2:=J; End; If Y2<Y1 Then Begin J:=Y1; Y1:=Y2; Y2:=J; J:=X1; X1:=X2; X2:=J; J:=U1; U1:=U2; U2:=J; J:=V1; V1:=V2; V2:=J; End; If Y3<Y1 Then Begin J:=Y1; Y1:=Y3; Y3:=J; J:=X1; X1:=X3; X3:=J; J:=U1; U1:=U3; U3:=J; J:=V1; V1:=V3; V3:=J End End; {Exception occurs when there are two top y-coords with the same value} If (Y1=Y2) And (X1>X2) Then Begin J:=X1; X1:=X2; X2:=J; J:=U1; U1:=U2; U2:=J; J:=V1; V1:=V2; V2:=J End; {Calculate X,U and V along the edges and store these} DY21:=Y2-Y1; DY31:=Y3-Y1; DY32:=Y3-Y2; DX21:=X2-X1; DX31:=X3-X1; DX32:=X3-X2; DU21:=U2-U1; DU31:=U3-U1; DU32:=U3-U2; DV21:=V2-V1; DV31:=V3-V1; DV32:=V3-V2; XL[0]:=X1; XL[0]:=XL[0]*256; UL[0]:=U1; UL[0]:=UL[0]*256; VL[0]:=V1; VL[0]:=VL[0]*256; If Y1=Y2 Then Begin XR[0]:=X2; XR[0]:=XR[0]*256; UR[0]:=U2; UR[0]:=UR[0]*256; VR[0]:=V2; VR[0]:=VR[0]*256 End Else Begin XR[0]:=XL[0]; UR[0]:=UL[0]; VR[0]:=VL[0]; End; For I:=Y1+1 To Y2 Do Begin XL[I-Y1]:=XL[I-Y1-1]+(DX31*256) Div DY31; XR[I-Y1]:=XR[I-Y1-1]+(DX21*256) Div DY21; UL[I-Y1]:=UL[I-Y1-1]+(DU31*256) Div DY31; UR[I-Y1]:=UR[I-Y1-1]+(DU21*256) Div DY21; VL[I-Y1]:=VL[I-Y1-1]+(DV31*256) Div DY31; VR[I-Y1]:=VR[I-Y1-1]+(DV21*256) Div DY21; End; For I:=Y2+1 To Y3 Do Begin XL[I-Y1]:=XL[I-Y1-1]+(DX31*256) Div DY31; XR[I-Y1]:=XR[I-Y1-1]+(DX32*256) Div DY32; UL[I-Y1]:=UL[I-Y1-1]+(DU31*256) Div DY31; UR[I-Y1]:=UR[I-Y1-1]+(DU32*256) Div DY32; VL[I-Y1]:=VL[I-Y1-1]+(DV31*256) Div DY31; VR[I-Y1]:=VR[I-Y1-1]+(DV32*256) Div DY32; End; {Calculate texture-offsets for longest horizontal line (at Y=Y2)} Long:=Y2-Y1; If XL[Long]<XR[Long] Then Begin U:=UL[Long]; V:=VL[Long]; SO:=256*(V Shr 8)+(U Shr 8); For I:=0 To XR[Long] Shr 8-XL[Long] Shr 8 Do Begin TexOfs[I]:=256*(V Shr 8)+(U Shr 8)-SO; U:=U+((UR[Long]-UL[Long])*256) Div (XR[Long]-XL[Long]+1); V:=V+((VR[Long]-VL[Long])*256) Div (XR[Long]-XL[Long]+1); End; End Else Begin U:=UR[Long]; V:=VR[Long]; SO:=256*(V Shr 8)+(U Shr 8); For I:=0 To XL[Long] Shr 8-XR[Long] Shr 8 Do Begin TexOfs[I]:=256*(V Shr 8)+(U Shr 8)-SO; U:=U+((UL[Long]-UR[Long])*256) Div (XL[Long]-XR[Long]+1); V:=V+((VL[Long]-VR[Long])*256) Div (XL[Long]-XR[Long]+1); End; End; {Fill polygon (=Read back X,U and V-coordinates from buffer) } If XL[Long]<XR[Long] Then For I:=0 To Y3-Y1 Do Begin SO:=256*(VL[I] Shr 8)+(UL[I] Shr 8); For J:=XL[I] Shr 8 To XR[I] Shr 8 Do Mem[VirSeg:320*(I+Y1)+J]:=Mem[Seg(Texture^):Ofs(Texture^)+SO+ TexOfs[J-XL[I] Shr 8]] End Else For I:=0 To Y3-Y1 Do Begin SO:=256*(VR[I] Shr 8)+(UR[I] Shr 8); For J:=XR[I] Shr 8 To XL[I] Shr 8 Do Mem[VirSeg:320*(I+Y1)+J]:=Mem[Seg(Texture^):Ofs(Texture^)+SO+ TexOfs[J-XR[I] Shr 8]] End; End;{NewTex} Procedure Rotate(Var X,Y,Z:Integer;Alpha,Beta,Gamma:Byte); Var X2,X3,Y1,Y3,Z1,Z2 : Integer; Begin Y1:=(Cosinus[Alpha]*Y-Sinus[Alpha]*Z) Div 128; Z1:=(Sinus[Alpha]*Y+Cosinus[Alpha]*Z) Div 128; X2:=(Cosinus[Beta]*X+Sinus[Beta]*Z1) Div 128; Z:=(Cosinus[Beta]*Z1-Sinus[Beta]*X) Div 128; X:=(Cosinus[Gamma]*X2-Sinus[Gamma]*Y1) Div 128; Y:=(Sinus[Gamma]*X2+Cosinus[Gamma]*Y1) Div 128; End;{Rotate} {--------------------Main program----------------------------------} Begin Initialize; EyeDist:=150; Alpha:=0; Beta:=0; Gamma:=0; Aantal:=0; T1:=Time; Repeat Cls(Screen2^); For I:=1 To NumOfVerts do Begin {Rotate the vertex-coordinates} XT1:=X[I]; YT1:=Y[I]; ZT1:=Z[I]; Rotate(XT1,YT1,ZT1,Alpha,Beta,Gamma); Inc(ZT1,468); BX[I]:=160+(XT1*EyeDist) Div ZT1; BY[I]:=100+((YT1*EyeDist*83) Div 100) Div ZT1; BZ[I]:=ZT1; {Rotate vertex normals (Here's where the phong-shading is done} XT1:=NX[I]; YT1:=NY[I]; ZT1:=NZ[I]; Rotate(XT1,YT1,ZT1,Alpha,Beta,Gamma); UT[I]:=128+XT1; VT[I]:=128+YT1; End; {Sort the polygons by z-value, so I know in which order to draw them} NumVisible:=0; For I:=1 to NumOfFaces Do If (BX[Faces[I,3]]-BX[Faces[I,1]])* (BY[Faces[I,2]]-BY[Faces[I,1]])- (BX[Faces[I,2]]-BX[Faces[I,1]])* (BY[Faces[I,3]]-BY[Faces[I,1]])>0 Then Begin Inc(NumVisible); Pind[NumVisible]:=I; PolyZ[NumVisible]:=BZ[Faces[I,1]]+ BZ[Faces[I,2]]+ BZ[Faces[I,3]]; End; QuickSort(NumVisible); {Draw the object} For I:=1 To NumVisible Do NewTex(BX[Faces[Pind[I],1]],BY[Faces[Pind[I],1]], UT[Faces[Pind[I],1]],VT[Faces[Pind[I],1]], BX[Faces[Pind[I],2]],BY[Faces[Pind[I],2]], UT[Faces[Pind[I],2]],VT[Faces[Pind[I],2]], BX[Faces[Pind[I],3]],BY[Faces[Pind[I],3]], UT[Faces[Pind[I],3]],VT[Faces[Pind[I],3]],Pict); Alpha:=(Alpha+2)Mod 256; Beta:=(Beta+255)Mod 256; Gamma:=(Gamma+1)Mod 256; Inc(Aantal); SwapScreen; Until KeyPressed; T1:=Time-T1; TextMode(LastMode); WriteLn(Aantal/(T1/18.2) :1:2,' Frames per second'); ReadLn; Dispose(Pict);Dispose(Screen2); End.