Beautiful Fire routine, changed and speedupped.">
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 Burn 2.0 - Modified Fire Routine   Stefan Goehler 01.01.1998

Отличная программа рисования пламени, исправленная и ускоренная в 3 раза по сравнению с оригинальной (см. Burn).
Beautiful Fire routine, changed and speedupped.


  {> Cut here. FileName= BURN2.PAS } {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G+,I-,L+,N+,O-,P+,Q-,R-,S-,T-,V-,X+,Y+} {$M 16384,0,655360} { Hi guys, try this, use it in your code, but please credit Frank Jan Sorensen Alias:Frank Patxi (fjs@lab.jt.dk) for the fireroutine. } { Hi again, guys! If you use this code, please also credit me, Joachim Fenkes, 'cause I added the following speedups: -Replaced one tiny loop with a faster Move(...) (not much speedup) -Wrote the main display loop in 100% assembler, including a faster random number generator (the RNG is only a more or less optimized version of Borland's generator (see MEGARAND.ASM), but with the advantage of the ultimate crash if you call it normally :-) -Changed version number into 1.10 (this isn't a speedup, but necessary :-) } { Bcoz of the knowledge that reading from videocards is much slower than writing to them, I changed some things to write and read from/to a pointer and put the result with 32-Bit moves to the screen Also I added now a much more faster randommer. The result of this change is more than 3 times fast than before Stefan Goehler Please credit me! ... to JF: your bug is fixed! } Program Burn; uses Dos,Crt; Const RootRand = 20; { Max/Min decrease of the root of the flames } Decay = 5; { How far should the flames go up on the screen? } { This MUST be positive - JF } MinY = 50; { Startingline of the flame routine. (should be adjusted along with MinY above) } Smooth = 1; { How descrete can the flames be?} MinFire = 50; { limit between the "starting to burn" and the "is burning" routines } XStart = 90; { Startingpos on the screen, should be divideable by 4 without remain!} XEnd = 210; { Guess! } Width = XEnd-XStart; {Well- } MaxColor = 110; { Constant for the MakePal procedure } FireIncrease : Byte = 3; {3 = Wood, 90 = Gazolin} {Var Scr : Array[0..199,0..319] Of Byte Absolute $A000:$0000;} Type ColorValue = record R, G, B : byte; end; VGAPaletteType = array[0..255] of ColorValue; function fastrand : word;assembler; const factor : longint = $8088405; asm db 66h,81h,0E3h,0FFh,0FFh,00h,00h{and ebx,$FFFF} db 66h;mov ax,word ptr randseed db 66h;mul word ptr factor db 66h;inc ax db 66h;mov word ptr randseed,ax db 66h;shr ax,16 db 66h;mul bx db 66h;shr ax,16 end; procedure ReadPal(var Pal); var K : VGAPaletteType Absolute Pal; Regs : Registers; begin with Regs do begin AX := $1017; BX := 0; CX := 256; ES := Seg(K); DX := Ofs(K); Repeat Until Port[$03DA] And $08 = $08; {Wait for rescan} Intr($10,Regs); end; end; procedure move(var input,output;size : word);assembler; { implemented by me -SG -you can use this routine instead of the one implemented in Pascal... it's much more faster (nearly 4 times depending on your pc)! } asm mov dx,ds lds si,input les di,output mov cx,size mov ax,cx shr cx,2 jz @not4 db 0F3h,66h,0A5h{rep movsd} @not4: mov cx,ax and cx,11b jz @end rep movsb @end: mov ds,dx end; procedure WritePal(var Pal); Var K : VGAPaletteType Absolute Pal; Regs : Registers; begin with Regs do begin AX := $1012; BX := 0; CX := 256; ES := Seg(K); DX := Ofs(K); Repeat Until Port[$03DA] And $08 = $08; {Wait for rescan} Intr($10,Regs); end; end; Procedure Hsi2Rgb(H, S, I : Real; var C : ColorValue); {Convert (Hue, Saturation, Intensity) -> (RGB)} var T : Real; Rv, Gv, Bv : Real; begin T := H; Rv := 1 + S * Sin(T - 2 * Pi / 3); Gv := 1 + S * Sin(T); Bv := 1 + S * Sin(T + 2 * Pi / 3); T := 63.999 * I / 2; with C do begin R := trunc(Rv * T); G := trunc(Gv * T); B := trunc(Bv * T); end; end; { Hsi2Rgb } { Faster put'n get pixel routines! } (* procedure put(x,y : integer; c : byte); assembler; { Written by Matt Sottile } asm mov ax,y shl ax,6 mov di,ax shl di,2 add di,ax add di,x mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax mov al,c mov es:[di],al end; Function get(x,y : integer):byte; assembler; { Put Modified by me } asm mov ax,y shl ax,6 mov di,ax shl di,2 add di,ax add di,x mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax mov al,es:[bx] end; *) Procedure MakePal; Var I : Byte; Pal : VGAPaletteType; begin FillChar(Pal,SizeOf(Pal),0); For I:=1 To MaxColor Do HSI2RGB(4.6-1.5*I/MaxColor,I/MaxColor,I/MaxColor,Pal[I]); For I:=MaxColor To 255 Do begin Pal[I]:=Pal[I-1]; With Pal[I] Do begin If R<63 Then Inc(R); If R<63 Then Inc(R); If (I Mod 2=0) And (G<53) Then Inc(G); If (I Mod 2=0) And (B<63) Then Inc(B); end; end; WritePal(Pal); end; Function Rand(R:Integer):Integer; { Return a random number between -R And R} begin Rand:=Random(R*2+1)-R; end; Procedure Help; Var Mode : Byte; R : Registers; begin R.Ax:=$0F00; Intr($10,R); Mode:=R.Al; R.Ax:=$0003; {TextMode} Intr($10,R); ClrScr; WriteLn('Burn version 1.15'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Light''n''play'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Keys : '); WriteLn('<space> : Throw in a match'); WriteLn('<W> : Water'); WriteLn('<+> : Increase intensity'); WriteLn('<-> : Decrease intensity'); WriteLn('<C> : Initialize fire'); WriteLn('<1>..<9>: Burnability (1=Wood, 9=Gaz)'); WriteLn('<?> : This help'); WriteLn; Write('Hit any key kid >'); ReadKey; R.Ax:=$0000+Mode; Intr($10,R); If Mode = $13 Then MakePal; end; Var FlameArray : Array[XStart..XEnd] Of Byte; LastMode : Byte; I,J : Integer; X,P : Integer; MoreFire, V : Integer; R : Registers; Ch : Char; pt : pointer; begin getmem(pt,64000); Help; RandomIze; R.Ax:=$0F00; Intr($10,R); LastMode:=R.Al; R.Ax:=$0013; Intr($10,R); MoreFire:=1; MakePal; (* Use this if you want to view the palette *) { For I:=0 To 255 Do For J:=0 To 20 Do Put(I,J,I); ReadKey;} { Initialize FlameArray } For I:=XStart To XEnd Do FlameArray[I]:=0; { FillChar(Scr,SizeOf(Scr),0); { Clear Screen } fillchar(pt^,64000,0); repeat If KeyPressed Then Ch:=ReadKey Else Ch:='.'; {'.' = Nothing (Dummy)} While KeyPressed Do ReadKey; { Empty Keyboard buffer } { Put the values from FlameArray on the bottom line of the screen } Move(FlameArray, ptr(seg(pt^),ofs(pt^)+199*320+pred(XStart))^, Width+1); { This loop makes the actual flames } { Here comes my assembler code - JF } { There's still a little bug in the code: When you have started the fire, some pixels near the upper left corner of the screen dance around. } asm les DI, PT mov SI, DI mov AX, MinY*320+XStart add SI, MinY*320+XStart add DI, MinY*320+XStart-320 mov CX, 200-MinY @@1: push CX mov CX, Width+1 @@2: mov AL,ES:[SI] inc SI cmp AL, Decay jb @@3 cmp CX, 2 jb @@3 cmp CX, Width-1 ja @@3 push CX push AX mov BX, 3 call FastRand dec AX push AX mov BX, Decay call FastRand pop DX pop CX sub CL, AL mov AL, CL sub DI, DX mov ES:[DI],AL{a little bit faster than stosb} inc DI add DI, DX pop CX dec CX jnz @@2 add SI, 319-Width mov DI, SI sub DI, 320 pop CX dec CX jnz @@1 jmp @@4 @@3: xor AL, AL mov ES:[DI],AL inc DI dec CX jnz @@2 add SI, 319-Width mov DI, SI sub DI, 320 pop CX dec CX jnz @@1 @@4: end; { (* This was the original code I translated to assembler - JF *) For I:=XStart To XEnd Do For J:=MinY To 199 Do begin V:=VMem[J, I]; If (V=0) Or (V<Decay) Or (I<=XStart) Or (I>=XEnd) Then Put(I, Pred(J), 0); else Put(I-Pred(Random(3)), Pred(J), V-Random(Decay)); end; } {Match?} If (Random(150)=0) Or (Ch=' ') Then FillChar(FlameArray[XStart+Random(XEnd-XStart-5)],5,255); {In-/Decrease?} If (Ch='-') Then If MoreFire >-2 Then Dec(MoreFire); If (Ch='+') Then If MoreFire < 4 Then Inc(MoreFire); {!!} If UpCase(Ch) = 'C' Then FillChar(FlameArray,SizeOf(FlameArray),0); If UpCase(Ch) = 'W' Then for I:=1 To 10 Do FlameArray[XStart+Random(Width)]:=0; If Ch = '?' Then Help; if Ch in ['1'..'9'] Then FireIncrease:=3+Sqr(Ord(Ch)-Ord('1')); {This loop controls the "root" of the flames ie. the values in FlameArray.} For I:=XStart To XEnd Do begin X:=FlameArray[I]; If X<MinFire Then { Increase by the "burnability"} begin {Starting to burn:} If X>10 Then Inc(X,Random(FireIncrease)); end else { Otherwise randomize and increase by intensity (is burning)} Inc(X,Rand(RootRand)+MoreFire); If X>255 Then X:=255; { X Too large ?} FlameArray[I]:=X; end; { Pour a little water on both sides of the fire to make it look nice on the sides} For I:=1 To Width Div 8 Do begin X:=Trunc(Sqr(Random)*Width/8); FlameArray[XStart+X]:=0; FlameArray[XEnd-X]:=0; end; {Smoothen the values of FrameArray to avoid "descrete" flames} P:=0; For I:=XStart+Smooth To XEnd-Smooth Do begin X:=0; For J:=-Smooth To Smooth Do Inc(X,FlameArray[I+J]); FlameArray[I]:=X Div succ(Smooth shl 1); end; for i := miny to 199 do move(ptr(seg(pt^),ofs(pt^)+i*320+xstart)^, ptr(segA000,i*320+xstart)^, width+1); Until Ch=#27; {Restore video mode} textmode(lastmode); {Good bye} freemem(pt,64000); end.