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 WXTerm 3.05 - Terminal with XModem/WXmodem protocol  L.B. Neal 12.09.1991

Модифицированная Терминальная программа с поддержкой протокола передачи файлов X-Modem/Win.
WXTERM - a terminal program (TP5.5) that may be used in any communication programs (like Procomm, CrossTalk and others) as an external file transfer utility with the XModem and WXModem protocols. Originally written by Scott Murphy. Updated by L.B. Neal.


WXTERM originally written by: Scott Murphy 77 So. Adams St. #301 Denver, CO 80209 Compuserve 70156,263 This program is not entirely bug free, but functions and is a good item for study of simple terminal program. FEATURES: 1. Will autoswitch to XMODEM or XMODEM-CRC. 2. 3.02 fixed the help menu a bit. 3. 3.03 fixed exit clearscreen. 4. 3.03 allowed receive full IBM ASCII. 5. 3.03 optimized processcom routine for faster screen writes. 6. 3.04 converted to TP 5.0/5.5. 7. 3.05 Fixed the ALT-P routine. This file was uploaded to THE COMM CENTER 415-967-3802 on 12 Aug 1991 with itself. L.B. Neal SYSOP THE COMM CENTER (415)-967-3802 Sunnyvale, CA 12-MAY-87 WXTERM 3.01 modified to add CRC xmodem, wxmodem 7/86 - 10/86 Peter Boswell ADI Suite 650 350 N. Clark St. Chicago, Il 60610 People/Link: Topper Compuserve : 72247,3671 Defaults, help screen and hot keys improved. Ran thru Pascal Formatter, changed to a two file program. Changed to Ver: 3.01 L.B. Neal, Sunnyvale, CA. 03-JUN-90 WXTERM 3.04a 1. This maybe should have a higher number but the 4.xx series has problems so I'll call this 3.04. 2. Converted to Turbo Pascal 5.0/5.5 with associated major surgery. 3. I hope to come out with a new WXMODEM driver which will be based on this code, but with major enhancements for screaming speed. 4. This is already pretty fast but as a driver can be smaller and much more efficient (Coming Soon!). 5. This version is in no-way superb, but it does the job and it is good example for study/learning. 6. Tweaked the receive end cancel routine. 08-12-91 WXTerm 3.05 1. Corrected ALT-P function. 2. Tuned interrupt routines. 3. Added makefile.