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 Serio - Simple Serial Interface Routines   Russell Schulz 07.05.1994

Простейший интерфейс для COM портов. Приводится пример использования - простейший терминал.
Simple serial interface routines for Turbo Pascal.


Serio use at your own risk, and at your own liability using the routines: functions: : xkeypressed returns TRUE if a character is ready on the current device, FALSE otherwise : xreadkey returns first character waiting on current device -- blocks until a character is ready procedures: : portengage; engages a port for further use : portdisengage; disengages a port when no longer in use : portspeed(speed); set speed (baud rate) of port : xwrites(s); writes string s to current device : xwritei(i); writes integer i to current device : xwriteiw(i,w); writes integer i to current device, right-justified to width w : xwritess(s,s); writes strings to current device : xwritesss(s,s,s); writes strings to current device : xwriteln; writes newline to current device : xwritelns(s); writes string s and newline to current device : xwritelnss(s,s); writes strings and newline to current device : xwritelnsss(s,s,s); writes strings and newline to current device : xgotoxy(x,y); goes to column x, row y (both start at 1, top left corner) : xwritexy(x,y,s); goes to column x, row y, writes strings s : xclreol; clears to end of line : xclreolxy(x,y); goes to column x, row y, clears to end of line : xclrscr; clears entire screen, possibly going to column 1, row 1 : xreadlns(s,maxlen,keepcurrent); reads string into s, maximum length maxlen -- will start with current value if keepcurrent is true, will start with empty string otherwise : xreadlnsp(s,maxlen,keepcurrent); reads string into s, maximum length maxlen -- will start with current value if keepcurrent is true, will start with empty string otherwise -- can terminate with Return or Space : xhighvideo; switches to high video/reverse/other color : xlowvideo; switches to low video/not-reverse/original color

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