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 TPIO v1.0 - FOSSIL Communication I/O Routines for TP  Tony Hsieh 02.01.1989

Модуль для работы с последовательным портом через Fossil драйвер.
IO.PAS are I/O routines writen for Turbo Pascal v4.0.


{ FOSSIL communications I/O routines } { Turbo Pascal Version by Tony Hsieh } {}{}{ Copyright (c) 1989 by Tony Hsieh, All Rights Reserved. }{}{} { The following routines are basic input/output routines, using a } { fossil driver. These are NOT all the routines that a fossil } { driver can do! These are just a portion of the functions that } { fossil drivers can do. However, these are the only ones most } { people will need. I highly recommend for those that use this } { to download an arced copy of the X00.SYS driver. In the arc } { is a file called "FOSSIL.DOC", which is where I derived my } { routines from. If there are any routines that you see are not } { implemented here, use FOSSIL.DOC to add/make your own! I've } { listed enough examples here for you to figure out how to do it } { yourself. } { This file was written as a unit for Turbo Pascal v4.0. You } { should compile it to DISK, and then in your own program type } { this right after your program heading (before Vars and Types) } { this: "uses IO;" } { EXAMPLE: } { Program Communications; uses IO; begin InitializeDriver; Writeln ('Driver is initalized!'); ModemSettings (1200,8,'N',1); Baud := 1200; DTR (0); Delay (1000); DTR (1); Writeln ('DTR is now true!'); CloseDriver; Writeln ('Driver is closed!'); end. } { Feel free to use these routines in your programs; copy this } { file freely, but PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY IT. If you do use } { these routines in your program, please give proper credit to } { the author. } { } { Thanks, and enjoy! } { } { Tony Hsieh }