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 Async Manager v2.01 for Turbo PASCAL 5.5  Kaleb Axon 23.01.90

Коммуникационный модуль для работы с двумя COM портами одновременно на скорости до 56000 бод.
The Turbo PASCAL Async Manager may access either COM1 or COM2, or both simultaneously. It is capable of up to 56,000 baud, and supports any normally combination of data bits, stop bits and parity.


Turbo PASCAL Async Manager version 2.01 Copyright 1986-1990 by Kaleb Axon. All Rights Reserved. For use with Turbo PASCAL 4.0 5.0 5.5 (Originally written in Turbo PASCAL 3.01) The only requirement for freely incorporating this code into your own programs is that the author of this code be given due credit wherever is most appropriate (program's opening screen, copyright page or introduction of manual, etc). Information on updates and new releases to add to your library of Turbo PASCAL source will be released from time to time via the PASCAL net-mail echo, or you may drop me a note with your name and address (sent to the address below). If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to: Kaleb Axon 1841 W. Katella St. Springfield, MO 65807 The purpose of this unit is to provide access to the serial ports from Turbo PASCAL. GENERAL FEATURES AND LIMITATIONS The Turbo PASCAL Async Manager may access either COM1 or COM2, or both simultaneously. It is capable of up to 56,000 baud, and supports any normally combination of data bits, stop bits and parity. The TPAsync unit must NEVER be overlaid under any circumstances. When running in a multi-tasking environment, any program using the TPAsync unit must be defined as non-swappable; that is to say, it must be present and in the exact same location in memory at all times. PRIMARY FUNCTIONS These are the functions that are most often used. In fact, these are the only functions I originally used in my own programming. A reasonably decent program could be developed using these functions. Once these primary functions are covered, we will go on to discuss the extended functions. ---------- The AsyncOpen function opens an async port for access by your program, and sets up an input buffer. The handle may be 1 or 2. The handle is used in future calls to indicate which serial port to access. Note that the handle need not be the same as the com port. For example, COM1 could be opened using handle #2, and COM2 could be opened using handle #1. This may seem odd, but for my purposes, it was originally a good idea, and I never saw any need to change it. The function returns true if the operation was successful, or false if it failed. function AsyncOpen(Handle : byte; ComPort : integer; BaudRate : word; Parity : char; DataBits : integer; StopBits : integer) : boolean; ---------- The AsyncSend procedure sends one character to the specified serial port. Output is not buffered. procedure AsyncSend(Handle : byte; Ch : char); ---------- The AsyncBufferRead function reads one character from the specified serial port if one is available. If a character was successfully read, the function returns true; otherwise, it returns false. function AsyncBufferRead( Handle : byte; var C : char) : boolean; ---------- The AsyncBufferClose procedure closes the specified serial port. procedure AsyncClose(Handle : byte); EXTENDED FUNCTIONS The AsyncSendString procedure sends a string to the specified serial port. Output is not buffered. procedure AsyncSendString(Handle : byte; S : string); ---------- The AsyncBufferCheck function returns true if a character is currently available from the specified serial port for input via the AsyncBufferRead function. function AsyncBufferCheck(Handle : byte) : boolean; ---------- The Carrier function returns true if the CD (Carrier Detect) pin on the specified serial port is hot. function Carrier(Handle : byte) : boolean; ---------- The AsyncChange procedure changes the baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bits for the specified serial port without actually closing the port or clearing the input buffer. procedure AsyncChange(Handle : byte; BaudRate : word; Parity : char; DataBits : integer; StopBits : integer); ---------- The AsyncCloseKeepDTR procedure closes the specified serial port, but does not drop the DTR line. AsyncClose causes the carrier to be dropped on most machines, and AsyncCloseKeepDTR will avoid dropping the carrier. procedure AsyncCloseKeepDTR(Handle : byte); SAMPLE PROGRAM { This program does not implement all the features of the Turbo PASCAL Async Manager, but should give a general idea as to how it is used. } program Sample; uses Crt, TPAsync; var Ch : char; OldCarrier : boolean; begin if AsyncOpen(1,1,2400,'N',8,1) then begin WriteLn('COM1 opened successfully; press Ctrl-6 to exit.'); repeat if AsyncBufferRead(1,Ch) then Write(Ch); if KeyPressed then begin Ch := ReadKey; if Ch <> ^^ then AsyncSend(1,Ch); end else Ch := ^@; until Ch = ^^; AsyncClose(Ch); end else WriteLn('Couldn''t open COM1!'); end.