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 PasPhone - Dial the Phone Number with a Modem   Ed Cuneo 29.07.1994

Модуль и программа для дозвона по указанному телефонному номеру. Для управления модемом используется прерывание INt 14h.
This Turbo Pascal unit accepts user input to dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used to send characters to the serial port. The interrupt will return information in register AH, and AL if your interested in checking them. A good bios services reference will contain the return codes This unit should work on IBM pc's and compatibles.


This simple unit accepts user input to dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or a mix of both. It is an extension of something I downloaded with no ID attached. Bios interrupt $14 is used to send characters to the serial port. The interrupt will return information in register ah, and al if your interested in checking them. A good bios services reference will contain the return codes This should work on IBM pc's and compatibles. If you have trouble communicating with the serial port, check and change as needed the value assigned to register 'dl' as noted. It selects the COM port which is connected to the modem Number formats accepted are: 1) aaa-aaaa 2) (aaa) aaa-aaaa 3) aaa-aaa-aaaa 4) 1-aaa-aaa-aaaa 5) 1-aaa-aaaa All other formats are rejected as invalid numbers. The proc will insert a leading '1' prolog if necessary. Communications ports 1 through 4 are valid. After the modem dials and is off hook: 1. To activate the phone, pickup the phone and press [Enter]. 2. If you leave the phone on the cradle and press a key, the modem will hang up and the program will continue. 3. If the phone is off the cradle and you press a key, the program will continue, and you will have control of the phone. I added a few accessory routines to illustrate usage {====================================} { Any helpful suggestion contact: } { Ed Cuneo } { Renaissance Software and Systems } { 1428 Dauphin Lane } { Orlando, Fl 32803-1802 } { Voice (407) 896-1206 } { Renaissance' BBS (407) 894-6293 } { CompuServ ID: 71620,2211 } { Programmer's Corner ID: 1011 } {====================================}