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 IOMON 2.0 - Protected mode I/O port monitor  Rick Knoblaugh 10.06.1992

Резидентная программа для слежения за вводом-выводом через последовательные порты. Работает в защищенном режиме.
IO Monitor 80386 control program watches COM ports acting as a line monitor. Originally in Programmers Journal, modified by Terry Hughes of TurboPower Software, containing the full ASM, C, & PAS source and executable for a 386 control program TSR with a new report program converts the memory buffer to an Ascii report.


IOMON - Protected mode I/O port monitor --------------------------------------- IOMON is a protected mode I/O monitor written by Rick Knoblaugh and published in an article in Programmer's Journal (volume 9, number 5). The program files for IOMON are copyright 1991 ASMicro and distributed here with their permission. IORPT is a reporting program that reads the memory resident data buffer maintained by IOMON and produces several reports. IORPT was written by Terry Hughes of TurboPower Software and is released to the public domain. Version 2.0 10/92 Overview -------- IOMON and IORPT can be used to monitor and report on the serial port I/O performed by any communications program. As you might guess by their names, IOMON does the monitoring and IORPT does the reporting. This combination of programs can add some powerful and convenient debugging capabilites to your toolbox. Previously, if you wanted to monitor the exchange of data in a serial link you needed a data scope or an extra PC (and cables) equipped with data scope-like software. While there will still probably be times when only a data scope will do, IOMON and IORPT make it possible to monitor many such communication exchanges directly on one of the participating machines. IOMON is a memory resident monitor that tracks all accesses to a specified range of I/O ports. As presented here, its intended purpose is to monitor the range of I/O ports that belong to a UART. The tremendous utility of such a program is that it can monitor communications programs as they run, without interfering with them, and note all serial data input and output as well as modem and line control performed by that program. IOMON was originally published in Programmer's Journal as a general purpose I/O port monitor. We've made one small modification to it to allow the its information buffer to be truly circular (as published, the buffer was cleared everytime it wrapped). We've supplied the file IOMON.EXE executable file as well as the source code files distributed with the Programmer's Journal article (with our small modification). For more information about how IOMON works we suggest you read Rick Knoblaugh's article on the program in Programmer's Journal 9.5. IORPT is a reporting program that reads IOMON's memory resident data buffer and produces two reports -- a "trace" and "audit" report. The trace report is identical to the Tracing facility provided by Async Professional. The audit report is similar to Async Professional's event logging report except that it lacks a time stamp. Note that while IOMON is a general purpose I/O monitor, IORPT assumes that IOMON is currently being used to monitor the UART ports of COM port. Running IORPT while IOMON is monitoring some non-UART port addresses will give unpredictable results.