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 Com v3.0 - Communication Unit and Terminal  Willem van Schaik 30.05.94

Модуль для работы с последовательными портами (до 2х портов одновременно) со скоростью до 115200 бод. В качестве примера приведена программа эмуляции терминала.
The unit COM.PAS enables serial IO from any Turbo Pascal program using interrupts supporting baudrates upto 115200 baud. It can address two COM ports at the same time, where each port can be set individually. So you could use it for baudrate conversions.


The unit COM.PAS enables serial IO from any Turbo Pascal program using interrupts supporting baudrates upto 115200 baud. It can address two COM ports at the same time, where each port can be set individually. So you could use it for baudrate conversions. Exported procedures and functions are: InitCom - to initialize the port ExitCom - to clean-up the port ComReceived - to check if a byte arrived and was stored in the buffer ReadCom - to get a byte from the buffer ComAllowed - to check if control lines and flow control allow output WriteCom - to write a byte to the port BreakCom - to give a break signal At initialisation of the COM port, you can set the settings of the UART (baudrate, data-length, parity and number of stop-bits) and select the type of flow control (no, rts/cts or xon/xoff). Also the control lines DTR and RTS will be raised. When hardware flow control is enabled, RTS will be lowered when the input buffer gets full. Before writing a byte to the port, the control lines can be checked. With hardware flow control CTS is part of that check and should be raised. To check also for CD, the source must be modified. The terminal program TTY illustrates how the unit COM.TPU can be used. It uses only one COM port at a time and it supports baudrates upto 38400 baud. The largest part of the coding consists of the user-interface and only a minor part of the terminal emulator itself. It doesn't support any fancy escape-sequences for screen handling, because it was more created for debugging purposes. Willem van Schaik, May 1994