BBS Modem Initializer
By Steven R. Sterling
Archive inventory: SETMODEM.COM - Program file
MODEM.DAT - User defined init. string file
SETMODEM.PAS - Turbo Pascal 3.1 source
SETMODEM.DOC - This doc.
This program will allow you to send any Hayes command up to 8
characters long (for example, ATS16=1O, the = counts as a character)
to your Hayes compatible modem. It was written and timed for an 8mhz
IBM AT using a Hayes Smartmodem 1200, it should work satisfactorily
on any compatible.
Although originally intended as a modem initializer for the Collie
1.20 BBS, it may be used as a convenient way to send modem commands
without starting up a terminal program. I use it to send the offhook
command when I am doing board maintenance.
COLLIE 1.20 users who have had no success in getting their board to
handle the modem properly (i.e. ANSWER THE PHONE!) will find this a
useful addition to their C.BAT file. SETMODEM should be inserted into
the batch file just before :LOOP, as you only need to run SETMODEM
Also before you use SETMODEM with Collie 1.20 you must modify
COLLIE.COM with a sector editor (Norton Utilities, PC-Tools etc.).
To modify COLLIE.COM....
2) Load a sector editor and view relative sector 68.
3) Change the string 'ATZ' to 'ATH'.
If you have followed these instructions correctly you will have a
COLLIE.COM file that will not wipe out the initialization strings
that SETMODEM sends.
The only remaining task is to determine what initialization strings
you are going to need to send to the modem. Generally the ones that
you had in your MODMINIT.BBS are satisfactory. All you have to do is
rename MODMINIT.BBS to MODEM.DAT. The file structure is the same.
Please address any comments/suggestions to:
Steve Sterling
561 Nottingham Dr.
Yardley, Pa. 19067
GEnie Mail - [S.STERLING]