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 PACK 1.0 - Reduce the Size of EXE Files   Kim Kokkonen 17.01.1987

Упаковщик исполняемых EXE файлов. Работает примерно так же, как ExePack и SpMaker.
PACK reduces the size of EXE files by packing the EXE header table into a smaller structure. PACK works in a manner similar to EXEPACK (from Microsoft) and SPMAKER (from Realia).


PACK reduces the size of EXE files by packing the EXE header table into a smaller structure. It does so by using its own fixup relocator, and building a table of fixups without redundant segment information as occurs in the DOS standard format. PACK will also report how much space it could save by run-length encoding repeated byte sequences. To see this effect, set the constant ShowRLEeffect to True. PACK does not actually implement this kind of packing at this time. PACK works in a manner similar to EXEPACK (from Microsoft) and SPMAKER (from Realia). After compiling, just enter PACK to get directions for usage. Version 1.0. Written 11/87, Kim Kokkonen, TurboPower Software. Compuserve 72457,2131. Released to the public domain.