PAvatar 1.10
Preliminary Release
Turbo Pascal Avatar Level 1 Console Kit
Copyright 1991 Gregory P. Smith
Part I. Introduction
This toolkit represents hundreds of hours of programming
that resulted in this fast and accurate product. PAvatar is a
Turbo Pascal unit (version 5.5 or later) that can provide your
programs with Avatar level 1 console, extended Avatar level 0+
(optional ANSI fallback), ANSI-BBS, and ANSI terminal
emulations. This is done with a series of procedural hooks
for screen I/O and cursor control. This allows you to use the
procedures of your choice, making the unit the most flexible
of its type.
An added bonus to using this unit is DESQview awareness.
This unit contains facilities for detecting DESQview, giving
up the time slice, and using DESQview's video buffer. This is
especially valuable for communications and bbs type programs
that are often run under DESQview.
This unit requires that you are using an IBM compatible
computer and have Turbo Pascal 5.5 or later. As I have used
OOP for fast and efficient data management within this unit; I
regret that I cannot provide a Turbo Pascal 5.0 version of the
PAvt1 unit.
Memory requirements within a program using PAvatar have
been kept to a minimum. Only 3-4k of heap space as well as
less than 500 bytes stack space. The actual code itself only
requires 16k.
I am distributing this unit under a relaxed shareware
concept so as to promote Avatar. You are free to use the
compiled unit however you want, as long as I'm given credit
for the terminal emulations somewhere in the documentation or
in the program itself. Please let me know of any programs
that you write using PAvatar so that I can recommend them to
If you want the source code to this unit it is available
for $10 U.S., see the registration form for details. The
possible benefits of having source code are described later in
this document.
To use PAvatar you must first agree that I cannot be held
responsible for any damages or problems that occur from its
use or misuse. If you do not agree to these terms don't use
this unit.