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   ANSI-Графика    >>    ansicolr
 ANSIColor 1.0 - Color Unit for ANSI Output  The Paradigm BBS 18.12.1991

Модуль AnsiColr предназначен для упрощения задания цвета текста и цвета фона при формировании ANSI-строк. Любая комбинация цветов формируется за счет вызова функции, имеющей имя типа "СинийНаБелом".
This unit allows the programmer to specify screen colors with easily rememberable names like "RedOnBlue". It have the ANSI escape sequence for that combination to be the output.


{*********************************************************} {* ANSICOLR.PAS 1.0 *} {* Copyright (c) э сETATech э 1991. *} {* All rights reserved. *} {*********************************************************} { Wed 12-18-1991 v1.0 } { This unit is patterned after the TurboPower OPCOLOR } { unit. OPCOLOR allows the programmer to specify screen } { colors with easily rememberable names like "RedOnBlue". } { I wanted a way to specify the same type of color } { definitions, but have the ANSI escape sequence for that } { combination to be the output. Hopfully this unit will } { accomplish this task making ANSI colors easier for the } { programmer. } { } { The naming conventions of ANSICOLR are similar to that } { of OPCOLOR except that all names begin with a lower } { case "a" (ie. aRedOnBlack). This will return the ANSI } { escape code that will enable this color combination. } { All low intensity forground combinations start by } { setting the previous colors off, then define the new } { color set. To get a color set with the foreground set } { to blink, just preface the color combination with "ab" } { (ie. abRedOnBlue). Each low intensity color combination} { is 10 char., each high intensity color set is 12 char. } { and each blinking color set is 14 char. long. } { } { I retain the copyright for this unit, but release it for} { public use with no royalties required. You may use it } { in any program that it would be of assistance to you. } { In the same regard, I offer NO WARANTEE what so ever } { either express or implied. } { } { If you come up with enhancements or changes to this unit} { I would appreciate knowing about them as I would like to} { keep the unit up to date. I can be reached at the } { places listed below: } { } { сETATech Computer Consulting The Paradigm BBS } { P. O. Box 566742 404/671-1581 } { Atlanta, GA 30356-6013 1200-19200 HST } {*********************************************************}