{* ANSICOLR.PAS 1.0 *}
{* Copyright (c) э сETATech э 1991. *}
{* All rights reserved. *}
{ Wed 12-18-1991 v1.0 }
{ This unit is patterned after the TurboPower OPCOLOR }
{ unit. OPCOLOR allows the programmer to specify screen }
{ colors with easily rememberable names like "RedOnBlue". }
{ I wanted a way to specify the same type of color }
{ definitions, but have the ANSI escape sequence for that }
{ combination to be the output. Hopfully this unit will }
{ accomplish this task making ANSI colors easier for the }
{ programmer. }
{ }
{ The naming conventions of ANSICOLR are similar to that }
{ of OPCOLOR except that all names begin with a lower }
{ case "a" (ie. aRedOnBlack). This will return the ANSI }
{ escape code that will enable this color combination. }
{ All low intensity forground combinations start by }
{ setting the previous colors off, then define the new }
{ color set. To get a color set with the foreground set }
{ to blink, just preface the color combination with "ab" }
{ (ie. abRedOnBlue). Each low intensity color combination}
{ is 10 char., each high intensity color set is 12 char. }
{ and each blinking color set is 14 char. long. }
{ }
{ I retain the copyright for this unit, but release it for}
{ public use with no royalties required. You may use it }
{ in any program that it would be of assistance to you. }
{ In the same regard, I offer NO WARANTEE what so ever }
{ either express or implied. }
{ }
{ If you come up with enhancements or changes to this unit}
{ I would appreciate knowing about them as I would like to}
{ keep the unit up to date. I can be reached at the }
{ places listed below: }
{ }
{ сETATech Computer Consulting The Paradigm BBS }
{ P. O. Box 566742 404/671-1581 }
{ Atlanta, GA 30356-6013 1200-19200 HST }